
  Mum giraffe is kissing her baby’s face. She seems to say, “Mum is here, don’t worry.” (长颈鹿妈妈正在亲她宝贝的脸。她好像在说:“有妈妈在,别担心。”)
  Two little lions go to the woods while Mum doesn’t notice. They are looking at the outside world. (趁妈妈不注意,两个小狮子跑到树林中,望着外面的世界。)
  Mum wants her baby to walk by himself. But the little baby is lying in Mum’s chest in comfort. (妈妈想要宝宝自己走,可小宝宝却舒适地躺在妈妈的怀里。)
  They are usually friendly. What is wrong with them today? Stop fighting! (他们俩平时挺友好呀,今天怎么了?快别打啦!)
  Look! Dad, Mum, uncles and aunties all walk around the baby elephant. It’s safely in the middle. (瞧!爸爸、妈妈、叔叔还有阿姨都走在外面,把小象安全地围在中间。)
  Look! That antelopefalls to the ground, but it doesn’t want to give up fighting. (瞧!那只羚羊倒地了,但它还不想放弃战斗呢!)