吉尼斯世界纪录 人体_2018吉尼斯世界纪录

  Furthest Eyeball Popper Kim Goodman of Chicago, Illinois, USA, can pop1 her eyeballs(眼珠子,眼球) to a protrusion(伸出,突出) of 11 mm beyond her eye sockets(眼窝).
  Greatest Weight Loss Following a strict diet plan, Jon Brower Minnoch (USA), who weighed 635 kg and was therefore the world"s heaviest man, reduced to 216 kg by July 1979, thus indicating a weight loss of at least 419 kg in 16 months.
  Longest Hair The world"s longest documented2 hair belongs to Xie Qiuping(China) at 5.627 m when measured on 8 May 2004. She has been growing her hair since1973 from the age of 13.
  LongestMale Beard Back in 1997, ShamsherSinghof Punjab,India,had hisbeardofficially measured at an impressive3 1.83 m from the end of chin to the tip.
  Most Tattooed(刺花纹于人体的) Man Tom Leppard4, a retired soldier who lives in Scotland,has had 99.9% of his body tattooed with a leopard4-skin design.The only parts of his body that remain free of tattoos are the insides of his ears and the skin between his toes.
   Tallest Man The tallest man in medical history is Robert Pershing Wadlow. He was born at Alton, Illinois, USA, 1918, and when he was last measured on June 27, 1940, was found to be 2.72 m tall.
   Lightest Birth The lowest birth weight recorded for a surviving infant is 260 g in the case of Rumaisa Rahman (USA) who was born at Loyola University Medical Center,Maywood, Illinois, USA, on 19 September 2004.
   Longest Fingernails on a Single Hand Back in July 1998,Shridhar Chillal of Poona, India had his record-breaking fingernails: The combined length of the five nails of his left hand was found to be a staggering (令人吃惊的) 6.15 m.
  美国人乔恩・布劳尔・米诺奇体重635公斤,因此成为当时世界上最重的人。他按照一个严格的节食计划,到1979年7月时体重减轻为 216公斤。这意味着在16个月里,他的体重减轻了至少 419公斤。
  胡须最长的男人早在1997年,印度旁遮普邦的沙姆谢尔・辛格对其胡须进行了正式测量,结果从下颌至胡须末端,长度达到了令人 瞠目的1.83米。
  1.pop vt.把…迅速地一伸
  3.impressive adj. 给人以深刻印象的,感人的。
  4.leopard n.豹,美洲豹