人生态度 天使的态度

  Every morning it is the same routine1. She wakes up, gives a big yawn, and heads downstairs in the same old uniform. Not a glamorous2 job at all. Others might think that being a ballerina3 instructor is the perfect job or career. Dance, stretch and teach others to dance and stretch their imaginations.
  Remarkable lady, this gal4, however. She does the same old thing but to her it always appears to be somehow new each and every single day. Don’t get me wrong. She has her moments like I suppose we all do. She gets frustrated over the little stuff. Seems the biggest difference between this young woman and others that I have observed is the way she takes life in stride5. In a nutshell6, she just doesn’t let anything or anyone break her stride.
  Like a beautiful mare7 dancing in the wide open spaces on a dazzling8 display right after an equalling dazzling dawn, nothing that might present itself as an obstacle can break her stride. At least this is how it appears right now in her dancing career.
  Can I ask you a question? Don’t mean to be nosey9 or anything, but what uniform do you put on every day? Whet her it’s a ballerina outfit or waitress uniform, I suppose any position can lose its once highly esteemed luster10 after a bit.
  This little ballerina, unlike so many others with different uniforms, can’t stand to go to bed, but can’t wait to get out of it in the morning. She works from home, so she is afforded the opportunity each Tuesday morning to gaze out of her front storm door at the men who pick up her hurby-curby11. Kind of a drab12, off-green colored uniform these guys wear, but she enjoys this special time at the door as a highlight of her daily existence. She likes to make their jobs less repetitive13 as she musters14 up a big smile and gives them all a huge grin15 all the while waving like it might be her last chance to do so.
  Don’t get me wrong because as we all know way too well, no one is perfect and she’ll be the first to admit it. She says “I’m sorry” with more sincerity than most I’ve met six times her age.
  Sometimes I can’t help but think that as soon as this or that change occurs in my life, all will be just a tad16 bit better. I think that she has learned a powerful lesson and it has to do with perception17. The way she has chosen to perceive things is the way she receives things.
  She just hasn’t allowed herself to see too many rainy days and Mondays18, and the ones she has, clearly haven’t ever ruined her morning, afternoon, or evening routine. Those 25 years her elder might be creating some chaos19 around her, but again, it doesn’t seem to break her stride. She just keeps on dancing nonetheless20.
  In talking to her recently, she spoke of her plans for the future but even as she did she kept some semblance21 of her dancing going. If reminded of a mistake she made yesterday, she’ll just give me a demure22 little smile as though I’m purposefully23 trying to be a killjoy24. Hmmmmmm. I hadn’t given that much thought until now, but why do I or any of us rehash25 another’s past? Good question and this wise little gal seems to know most of the answers. I guess longevity26 doesn’t always equate27 to legitimacy28.
  I hope that she’ll keep her job as a ballerina for many years to come so that I can keep learning simple life lessons from her. But I doubt that she will, if I look at the big picture or project way into the future like I too often tend to do. Nothing I could say or anything any of her other best friends could say could break her stride. She is destined for great things. Even if she some day changes from her ballerina outfit to a waitress’s uniform, I kind of think she’ll keep her bright attitude, fresh perspective, and unsophisticated29 purity30.
  Well, that’s all I have to write about for now. I’d best get home before my wife helps her take off her ballerina uniform and get ready for bed. If I’m so blessed, I’ll get to watch her dance and sing for me right before she says, “I love you daddy” as I walk out the door for work in the morning.
  I wish I could take such moments and put them in a jar. I wish I could stop the world from turning and keep things just the way they are. I know that I can’t, but I can always wish I could.
   Love you Olivia,
  Your daddy
  1) routine n. 惯例,舞步
  2) glamorousa. 迷人的,富有魅力的
  3) ballerinan. 女芭蕾舞演员
  4) galn. (口)女孩儿,姑娘
  5) striden. 大步,阔步
  6) in a nutshell 简而言之
  7) maren. 母马
  8) dazzlinga. 眼花缭乱的,耀眼的
  9) noseya. (也作nosy)爱管闲事的,好打听别人的事的
  10) lustern. 光彩
  11) hurby-curby 垃圾桶
  12) draba. 单调的,土褐色的
  13) repetitivea. 重复的
  14) musterv. 聚集,鼓起
  15) grinv. 露齿笑
  16) tadn. 微量
  17) perceptionn. 理解力,了解
  18) Monday 这里指“星期一综合症”
  19) chaosn. 混乱,麻烦
  20) nonethelessad. 尽管如此
  21) semblancen. (~of)外观,样子
  22) demurea. 严肃的
  23) purposefully ad. 有目的地
  24) killjoy n. 扫兴的人
  25) rehashv. 老调重谈
  26) longevityn. 长寿
  27) equatev. (常与to,with连用)使相等
  28) legitimacyn. 正确,合理
  29) unsophisticateda. 天真的,单纯的
  30) purityn. 纯洁,纯净
  clock in 打卡
  Don’t forget to clock in, otherwise you won’t get paid.
  come easily 易如反掌
  Languages come easily to some people.