
  Occasionally      Looking Back   Perhaps, human being can never be sat-isfied. They do not care about things they possess, but they always want to get things they don" t have.
   We are creatures who are easily ob- sessed with perfection. We are always feel-ing that we are not good enough. We spent lots of time complaining: why ami not fa-mous? Why do I earn so little? If only I were a little bit prettier! Why I"m so stupid that I can"t do things as well as him?
  We always admire others, but at the same time we always think that we are not as good as others, which easily leads to self-humiliation or self-accusation. But have we ever thought: many people are threatened by" starvation, but we are not; many people live in the danger of war, but we do not,many people suffer from dis-eases and wait for death, but we do not, many people, was born disabled, so that they can"t see the colorful world or hear the wonderful sound, but we are. not, many people are orphans, so they have never felt the warmth of families, or the love from parents, and grow in loneness, but we are not,many people are poor, so they can"t afford their children"s education, but we are not. We think our life is so plain, because it isn"t exciting, and lacks suc-cess or resplendence. Nothing has been done well, and nothing has satisfied us. But a lot of people dream of such a life, and they think it"s a kind of blissfully happy life.
   Everyone has his own merits and short-comings. We are in different circumstances, and what we want is different as well. You admire others"beauty while She admires your slim stature; you admire others" high salary while he admires your_leisure,you admire others"reputation while he admires that you have your own world, without too much disturbance. And you, who was looked down upon by yourself, are probably the idol in others heart!
   We seek for perfection, because all ofus cannot be perfect. We should look for-ward, but Occasionally, we should look back, and think about how fortunate We are. We have been privileged a lot by God, and why we are still complaining? We are lucky e-nough. How come we ignore the happiness and feel extremely upset? Life is limited, and it"s" really a pity that it is wasted by sighing and regretting.
  Don"t, lower your head on the way of life, or you will get lost and lost yourself in your heart. You don"t know "what you are living for, or whom you are-living for. Occa-sionally, smell the flower, listen to the birds, and enjoy the view by the side, Of the road. Why not sing a song loudly When you are thrilled? Thoroughly enjoy the life, and this is so-called real life.
  Don"t forget that we are lucky, be-cause at least we are alive, and living itself is a kind of luck.
  From now on:
  Do what we should do, and don"t con-sider how much you will get and whether you will succeed or not;
  Do what we could do, and don"t refuse or complain.
  Do what we want to do, no matter whether it will be done well or not.
  Do things with a smile, and you find happiness from them.
  (Pan Yao)