
  The Garden of Eden   The Garden of Eden(伊甸园) is the place where God is supposed to have created a garden for Adam(亚当),the first man. The Tree of Knowledge grew in this garden and it was there that man fell from grace(堕落,犯罪)in God’s eyes because, at the promoting of Eve(在夏娃的怂恿下),the first woman, he ate fruit from this tree.
  Because of this act of disobedience(不顺从), it is said God devised(构想出) three punishments. The man was to till the earth, which was cursed(诅咒,受苦);the woman was to experience painful childbirth(经历生产痛苦), and the serpent(恶魔) who prompted(敦促) the woman to persuade the man to eat the fruit was from that day to be hated by mankind. Adam had to be driven out of the Garden of Eden because The Tree of Life also grew there and this would have endowed him with immortality(赋予不灭的声望).The inference(结果) is that man chose knowledge and death rather than ignorance(无知) and eternal(永恒的) life.
  When Did Hamlet Live?
  Hamlet(哈姆雷特), the hero of Shakespeare’s great tragedy(莎士比亚悲剧主人公), seems to correspond(符合) to a figure(人物形象) called Amleth,who appears in a history of Denmark, written by Saxo Grammaticus late in the 12th century. However, it is impossible to say whether he did in fact exist. The figure of the young man whose father was murdered by a brother who later married his victim’s widow(受害者的遗孀) appears in many legends(传说).In all of them the son pretends to be mad in order to revenge(报仇) his father’s death. Such stories are found as far back as the Icelandic saga(冰岛的传说) mentioned by the 10th century poet.
  The story of Hamlet is told in the fifth volume of Histories Tragiques(1570) by Francois de Belleforest and an English version of this, The Hystorie of Hamlet was published in London in 1608. Shakespeare’s tragedy was written about 1601, but a play about Hamlet believed to have been written by Thomas Kyd was performed in about 1509.