煤气爆炸案之谜(下) 踪迹谋杀之谜 ios下载

  A police said:“It’s very strange.The power happened to break when the explosion happened. So, it’s impossible be caused by power leakage.”一个警察说:“很奇怪,发生爆炸时恰好停电。所以,不可能是因为漏电而引起的煤气爆炸。”
  “It looks like that it is a murderous incident,” detective Brown said.“看来很可能是一起谋杀事件。”布朗侦探说。
  The police founded out that the old woman’s nephew Roy was the suspect(嫌疑犯). Because the old woman had a lot of jewellery and had them insured. The beneficiary(受益人) was Roy. 警方发现老妇人的侄儿罗伊是嫌疑犯。老妇人有许多宝石,并且都投了保险,指明受益人就是罗伊。
  But Roy was not on the scene when the explosion happened. It could be proved that he was in the hotel which was 10km away.可事发时罗伊不在现场,而且可以证明他当时在距离现场10公里外的旅馆里。
  The detective asked:“Did Roy go to the old woman’s house that night?” “Yes. He finished his supper and left on half past eight o’clock,”a police answered.侦探说:“那天晚上,罗伊去过老妇人的家吗?”“是的。他吃完晚饭后八点半离开了老妇人的家。”一个警察回答说。
  Detective Brown thought about a few minutes and said: “It was made by Roy.”布朗侦探思考了一下说:“这起事件就是罗伊制造的。”