谚语集锦 [谚语集联]

  1.天下无难事There is nothing diffiuclt in the world,   只怕有心人Unless none is true-minded in work.
  2.若要人不知If you don’t want people to know,
  除非己莫为You’d better not do it.
  3.秀才不出门The scholar out of his gate never goes,
  能知天下事The world’s affairs he yet well knows.
  4.冷在风里Feeling cold―the wind is the cause;
  穷在债里Fallen poor―the debts are the curse.
  5.学富五车不觉富Knowledge makes humble;
  目空一切腹内空Ignorance makes proud.
  6.一知半解常误事A little learning is a dangerous thing.
  百炼千锤渐成钢Practice makes perfect.
  7.为学少有康庄道There is not royal road to learning.
  人生多是坎坷途Human life is full of ups and downs.
  8.生命未熄希望在Where there is life, there is hope.
  坚持不懈志得酬Where there is a will, there is a way.
  9.美人无须涂脂粉A good face needs no paint.
  好酒不用挂招牌Good wine needs no bush.
  10.衣衫虽近肤尤近Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin.
  清水不浓血更浓Blood is thicker than water.
  11.他人失足已应慎Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes.
  前车倾覆莫蹈辙Let another’s shipwreck be your sea-mark.
  12.孤掌欲鸣拍不响It takes two to make a quarrel.
  三人共晓保密难A secret between more than two is no secret.
  13.钱能利我复害我Money is a good servant but a bad master.
  水既载舟亦覆舟Water can upset ships as well as carry them.
  14.祸从天降寻常见Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot.
  福叩家门总有时Fortune knocks at least once at every man’s door.
  15.一个和尚挑水吃One monk―all by himself he carries water;
  两个和尚抬水吃When two―they bring water home together;
  三个和尚没水吃If three―they drink no water whatsoever.