
  “How to”是英国大使馆文化教育处制作的一个系列节目,以发生在不同情景下的对话,介绍各种地道的英文表达及英国文化常识。本期节目为大家带来赞赏他人的方式――赞美也需要技巧哦!
  A: Good morning!
  B: Morning!
  A: By the way, I just wanted to say well done on clinching[赢得] that deal!
  B: Oh, thanks. It wasn’t too difficult.
  A: You’re being modest! You did really well.
  B: Thank you.
  A: You’re a great manager, you know.
  B: Do you think so?
  A: Oh yeah.
  B: I appreciate that.
  A: Hey, have you cut your hair?
  B: Oh, yes, I did actually. Thanks for
  A: Where did you get it done?
  B: Oh, just that place on the High Street.
  A: They did a great job, and it looks great with that outfit.
  B: Do you think so?
  A: Oh yeah. Very...fashionable.
  B: Oh, it’s just an old thing.
  A: Well, you’ve got a great sense of style.
  B: Thank you, you too!
  A: Thank you. Nice perfume, too. Is that Dream?
  B: Yes it is, actually.
  A: You wear it well.
  B: I’m flattered[感到荣幸].
  A: My pleasure.
  B: Listen, do you want something?
  A: No. I’m just being polite, you know.