缪斯酒吧 [成为自己的缪斯]

  The first and most important step in developing style is to project confidence, the kind of confidence that tells others that you respect yourself, love yourself, and dress up for yourself and nobody else. You are your own Muse. Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world; it does not come from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier. Many of the most stylish women in the world have not been great beauties, but they have all drawn from an enormous[大的] amount of self-confidence. They made us think they were beautiful simply by believing it themselves. They did not let anyone else define them; they defined themselves.
  � from The Little Black Book of Style
  The Little Black Book of Style provides some essential[本质的] rules for fashion that every woman should know. From definite fashion faux pas[失礼] to pointers on how to create your own sense of style to uncovering what makes you look and feel good, Nina Garcia, fashion director at Elle magazine and the fashion judge on the hit show Project Runway, offers readers the ultimate[最终的] guide to follow when it comes to dressing their best.