
  摘要: Web在线系统在服务器物理性能无法提升的前提下,如何采用合适的系统架构和优化算法是广大系统开发人员努力的方向。本文探讨了如何利用J2EE中的MMF技术,利用设计的价制度优化算法提升系统性能,并利用LoadRunner软件进行了效果验证。
  Abstract: When the web online system can not be improved anymore by the server physical properties, how to use appropriate system architecture and optimization algorithm is the direction of the system development staff. This paper discussed how to use the MMF J2EE technology of J2EE and the designed system optimization algorithm to improve the system performance, and use LoadRunner software in effect validation.
  关键词: 数据内存映射;系统架构;数据缓存算法
  Key words: data memory mapping;system architecture;data caching algorithm
  中图分类号:TP319 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2012)09-0136-01