【吉尼斯世界纪录“篮球”】 2018吉尼斯世界纪录

  Greatest Winning Margin1 in an NBA Game The greatest winning margin in a National Basketball Association (NBA) game is 68 points, when the Cleveland Cavaliers (骑士) beat the Miami Heat, 148-80 on December 17, 1991.
  Highest Basketball Slam Dunk (扣篮) Michael "Wild Thing" Wilson of the Harlem Globetrotters(环球旅行者 ) slam-dunked a regulation basketball through a goal(球篮) set at a height of 3.65m at Consecon Field house, Indiana, USA, on April 1, 2000.
   Highest NBA Career2 Average (平均分数) The highest NBA career average for players exceeding3 10,000 points is 31.5, by Michael Jordan, who scored 29,277 points in 930 games for the Chicago Bulls between 1984 and 1998.
   Highest Score in an NBA Match The highest aggregate4 score in an NBA match is 370, when the Detroit Pistons (186) beat the Denver Nuggets (184) at Denver, Colorado, USA, on December 13, 1983.
   Most Men"s Basketball Olympic Gold The USA has won 12 men"s Olympic titles. From the time the sport was introduced to the Games, in 1932, to 1972, they won 63 consecutive5 matches.
   Most Player Points in an NBA Game The most points scored by an individual in an NBA game is 100, by Wilt Chamberlain, when he played for the Philadelphia 76ers against the New York Knicks on March 2, 1962.
  Most Men"s World Basketball Championships Won The most men" s World Basketball Championship titles won is four, by Yugoslavia(南斯拉夫).
  Tallest NBA Player Romanian-born Gheorghe Muresan of the Washington Bullets, who made his professional debut(首次登台演出) in 1994, is 2.31m tall. His career in the USA has been hampered(阻碍,妨碍) by injury.
  1.margin n.差数,幅度
  2.career n.生涯,职业
  3.exceed vt.超过
  4.aggregate a.聚集的,合计的
  5.consecutive a.连续的
  跳得最高的扣篮 2000年4月1日,该纪录由哈林环球旅行者队绰号“狂人”的迈克尔・威尔逊在美国印第安纳的康西肯体育馆创造。他将一只标准篮球扣人了设在高度为3.65米处的篮框中。
  NBA职业生涯的最高每场平均得分在得分超过1万分的NBA球员中,职业生涯最高每场平均得分纪录是由迈克尔・乔丹创造的31.5分。他在 1984年至1998年为芝加哥公牛队效力期间,930场比赛共得29277分。
  最高的NBA球员 曾效力于华盛顿子弹队的罗马尼亚球员格奥尔基・穆雷尚(1994年首次参加职业比赛)身高2.31米。他在美国的职业生涯一直受到伤病困扰。