十分钟年华老去瞬间 《十分钟年华老去》

  Time is a river   the irresistible flow of all created things.   One thing no sooner comes into view
  than it is hurried past and another takes its place
  only to be swept away in turn.
  Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
  《Ten Minutes Older》是15位当今世界著名的电影导 演以“时光”为主题,每人用10分钟拍摄的短片串成 的集锦片。该片由英国Ten Minutes Older有限公司斥 资上亿元拍摄完成,旨在展示当代世界电影的最高艺 术水准。时间之手,摇动着历史的摇篮;年华似水, 冲刷着关于生命的记忆。全球15位顶级导演演绎着一 个肉身无可回避的话题。在他们的影像里无一不流露 出这样的感慨:激情永在的灵魂却无法阻止肌体衰老 的自然规律。15个10分钟的电影独立成章,讲述着时 间对记忆的侵蚀和时间的无情流逝。
  First Part:The Trumpet 上篇:小号
  Aki Kaurismaki 阿基•库里斯马基
  Pre-eminent director in the new Finnish cinema with a cult international following. 芬兰电影天才阿基•库里斯马基,他的作品没有 火辣奔放的风情,但是黑色幽默味道浓厚。一 位聪明的导演的作品总是值得一再回味的,而 阿基•库里斯马基的短片《Dogs Have no Hell》 就为何谓“回味”做了很好的注解。
  Films Include:电影作品: 1987 - Hamlet Goes Business
  1989 - Leningrad Cowboys Go America
  1989 - The Match Factory Girl
  1990 - I Hired a Contract Killer
  1996 - Drifting Clouds
  1998 - The Silent Film Juha
  2002 - The Man without A Past
  Dogs Have no Hell天堂归来
  Our protagonist has a dream: a hardworking future in the oilfields of Siberia. Since he is also a coward he can"t leave without a piece of fatherland - besides his mental burden - his wife-to-be.
  Victor Erice 维克多•艾里斯
   A master of modern Spanish cinema. 这位60多岁的西班牙老导演参加这部当红导 演合作的集锦片稍微让人有点儿意外,他自从 93年以《光之梦》夺得戛纳电影评委会大奖之 后就再也没有新作问世了。但从《Life Line》 中,我们终于了解了制片人选择他的理由:光 明与黑暗的交替、生存和死亡的交织就是时间 的真谛!
  Films Include:电影作品:
  1969 - Los Desafíos � Segment 3
  1973 - El Espiritu De La Colmena
  1983 - El Sur
  1992 - El Sol Del Membrillo
  Life Line 生命线
  In the dark, the cry of a new-born baby breaks the silence of the countryside on a hot summer"s evening. After the hectic rush of a birth, mother and son both sleep soundly. Suddenly, a small red spot appears from the nappies of the baby. Nobody notices. The villagers are busy with their chores, children are playing games, and nature follows its unstoppable stream of life. Seated alone in the shadows of an attic, a boy draws the face of a watch on his left wrist. When he finishes, he puts it to his ear as if he could listen to the beat of the world around. A lullaby floats in the air � not now my son, not now…! The echo of History printed on the pages of a useless newspaper is fading away. As the darkness descends again, we can make out the date- Friday, June 28, 1940.
  Werner Herzog 韦纳•贺佐格
   One of the great directors of the German new cinema.
  新德四杰中,法斯宾德早夭,温德斯和施隆多 夫的作品越来越温吞,如今还有强劲战斗力的 恐怕只剩下韦纳 • 贺佐格了。不过,略有偏执的 贺佐格也不时会在自己的电影王国内迷失。但 是,第一次拍摄的短片《Ten Thousand Years Older》仍让人惊喜不已。
  Films Include:电影作品:
  1970 - Fata Morgana
  1971 - Land Of Silence And Darkness
  1972 - Aguirre, The Wrath Of God
  1978 - Nosferatu
  1979 - Woyzeck
  1982 - Fitzcarraldo
  1987 - Cobra Verde
  1999 - My Best Fiend
  2000 � Invincible
  Ten Thousand Years Older 万年之后
  In 1981, the last of the hidden tribes that had lived a nomadic life in the remotest parts of the Brazilian rain forest was fi- nally contacted by civilization. This event propelled a tribal people from a stoneage existence into the world of TV, cars, and big cities.
  Jim Jarmusch 吉姆•贾木许
  Leading American independent filmmaker.
  身为鬼才的吉姆•贾木许虽然对音乐的热情要 比电影高,但是没有人会否认他拍摄短片的功 力,《Int. Trailer Night》就是一个例证。
  Films Include:电影作品:
  1984 - Stranger than Paradise
  1986 - Down by Law
  1989 - Mystery Train
  1992 - Night on Earth
  1995 - Dead Man with Johnny Deep
  1999 - Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
  Int. Trailer Night 休息十分钟
  An actress working on an unspecified film is brought from the set to her trailer, where she is given a ten minute break.
  Wim Wenders 维姆•温德斯
  Leading figure of the new German cinema who works extensively in U.S.
   不可否认,温德斯的电影技法已臻大成,圆熟 的令人无话可说。但自从温德斯与好莱坞密切 合作以后,影片中的诗意褪色了不少。好在他 还能坚持纪录片的拍摄,没有沦为故事与技术 的附庸。《Twelve Miles to Trona》就是一部 让他游刃有余地发挥诗意灵感的短片。
  Films Include:电影作品:
  1973 - Alice in the Cities
  1976 - Kings of the Road
  1977 -The American Friend
  1982 - Hammett
  1984 - Paris Texas
  1987 - Wings of Desire
  1997 - The End of Violence
  1998 - Buena Vista Social Club
  2000 - The Million Dollar Hotel
  Twelve Miles to Trona 离特洛纳12英里
   Wenders commented on Twelve Miles to Trona: "My Ten Minutes deals with three R"s, the Road, Rock"n Roll and the Relativity of Time. They"re based on a personal experience, I"m afraid to say, and even if I took some liberties, I did not exaggerate."
  Spike Lee 斯派克•李
  Acclaimed American director of politically powerful films.
   这几年来,李的名声稍减。可能是黑人电影风 潮开始衰退、他自己的创作锋芒开始钝化,李 的作品已不如从前那么受关注了。但在抹煞冲 突、强调融合的社会里,李的作品还是有警醒 世人的价值的,《We Wuz Robbed》就是一 个典范。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1986 - She"s Gotta Have It 1989 - Do the Right Thing 1991 - Jungle Fever 1992 - Malcolm X 1994 - Crooklyn 1995 - Clockers 1998 - He Got Game 1999 - Summer of Sam 2000 � Bamboozled
  We Wuz Robbed 我们上当了
   "A story"s being told about election night. About how in the most powerful country in the world, on this planet, you know, some gangsters came in and just discarded people"s votes." "I just found that this is an amazing piece of history that not too many people know about. In those ten minutes, if Michael Whouley had not contacted Vice President Gore people would never have known that Bush "Bushwacked" the Presidency of the United States of America."
   One of the great figures of modern Chinese cinema who now also works in the West. 这位中国国际级大导演近年来并没有创作出太 多可以维持自己声誉的佳作,但他在国际影坛 上的地位却没有动摇。看过西方导演的短片, 再来观赏下《100 Flowers Hidden Deep》, 我们看到了一个将北京悠久的文化化作不朽的 影像。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1985 - The Big Parade 1991 - Life on a String 1992 - Farewell My Concubine 1996 - Temptress Moon 1999 - The Emperor and The Assassin 2001 - Killing Me Softly
  00 Flowers Hidden Deep 百花深处 Chen Kaige has made a poignant parable about the rapidly changing face of modern Beijing. An old, deluded man hires a removal firm to take the furniture from his house. When the removal men arrive at the address they find no house - it has been demolished to make way for a new building. To humour the old man, the removal men pretend to carry furniture into their van, miming lifting and loading. As they drive away with their phantom load, we discover that things are not all what they seem...
  Second Part:The Cello 下篇:大提琴
  Bernardo Bertolucci 贝纳多•贝托鲁奇
   Internationally acclaimed Italian director.
  虽然近几年来这名意大利导演的声誉有所下 降,但是这并不影响他的拍片功力。《Histoire D"eaux》在集锦片中的分量并不重,却充满了 生命皆空的东方式禅意。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1964 - Before The Revolution
  1970 - The Conformist
  1972 - Last Tango In Paris
  1986 - The Last Emperor
  1990 - The Sheltering Sky
  1993 - Little Buddha
  1995 - Stealing Beauty
  1999 - Besieged
  Histoire D"eaux 水的故事
   A master and his disciple Narada are walking in the sunparched countryside. The master stops beneath a tree and says to Narada to fetch him some water. The young disciple goes to the well and meets a girl. They look at each other and take a fancy to each other. They get married. Years pass by, they both grow the odd grey hair. A terrible plaque kills the village residents one by one and Narada"s wife and children. He wanders desperately in the countryside and sees his master under the tree. He says: "All this time to get some water? I have been waiting for you all morning." This is the original Indian parable by which the short film was inspired.
  Mike Figgis
  迈克•菲吉斯 Innovative English filmmaker, musician and composer. 迈克•菲吉斯最擅长的就是探索不同境遇中的人 的沦落和因此而无力改变的绝望。《About the Time》就是一部关于作家意象世界的故事。
  Films Include: 电影作品: 1987 - Stormy Monday
  1989 - Internal Affairs
  1994 - Leaving Las Vegas
  1996 - One Night Stand
  1997 - The Loss of Sexual Innocence
  1999 - Miss Julie
  2000 - Timecode
  2001 - Hotel
  About the Time 关于时间2
   This film is about the discontinuity of memory. Using splitscreen (a quadrant) the film simply explores the past and the future through the present. The film is an unbroken ten minutes shot on four cameras in four connected rooms, each room loosely rooted in a different time zone. For example - the 1950"s, the 1960"s, the present, the future, 2040. The memory is saturated with sexual nostalgia, pain and remorse.
  Jiri Menzel 吉瑞•闵采尔
   Czech film and theatre director, actor, tightrope walker, master of comedy. 吉瑞•闵采尔一直都是一位杰出的导演。巧妙的 构思、一再捕捉着观众眼睛的主题是他无往不 利的法宝。《One Moment》再次让观众细细品 味人生:慢慢老去的只是躯体,精神上的旅途 是永远年轻的。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
  1966 - Closely Watched Trains
  1968 - Capricious Summer
   1969 -Skylarks On A String
   1976 - Seclusion near The Forest
   1985 - My Sweet Little Village
   1989 - The End of the Old Times
   1994 - The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
  One Moment 瞬间
  Jiri Menzel is making a comic film which contrasts everyday events in the life of a famous old movie star with scenes from the many films he appeared in. It is a study of the physical aging of a person and a history of cinema, the story of an individual which is told through his repeated loss of his own identity as he takes on a whole range of cinema characters. The interweaving of mundane, presentday life with poignant clips from the old movies exploits to the full the quirky, gently intoxicating humour of Menzel which he has showed so brilliantly in all of his films.
  István Szabó 伊斯特凡•萨伯
   Award -winning Hungarian director.
   伊斯特凡•萨伯是匈牙利德高望重的导演,他的 影片总能在偶然性中透漏出人生的无常。虽然 《Ten Minutes After》在合辑中显得平淡了些, 但却是最能让人明白人生无常的完整故事。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
  1966 - Father
  1976 - Budapest Tales
  1979 - Confidence
  1981 - Mephisto1985 - Oberst Redl
  1988 - Hanussen
  1991 - Sweet Emma, Dear B??be- Sketches Nudes
  1998 - Sunshine
  2000 - Taking Sides
  Ten Minutes After 十分钟后
   A woman is laying the table for a festive meal in a middle class home, placing a birthday cake next to the candles. Within ten minutes her life changes completely. Ten minutes later she is accused of attempted murder: She has just stabbed her husband.
  Claire Denis 克莱尔•丹尼斯
   Acclaimed and innovative French director. 作为该集锦片的唯一一名女导演,克莱尔•丹尼 斯显示了非凡的导演才华。《Vers Nancy》将场 景设置在火车上,用火车的前进和窗外转瞬即 逝的景色暗示了历史无法被人类改变的现实。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1988 - Chocolat
  1989 - Man No Run
  1990 - S"en Fout La Mort
  1991 - Keep It For Yourself
  1994 - J"ai Pas Sommeil
  1996 - Nenette And Boni
  1999 - Beau Travail
  2001 - Trouble Every Day
  2002 - Vendredi Soir
  Vers Nancy 以南茜为目标
   The philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy and one of his students, Ana Samardzija, talk during a train ride. Ana is not French but lives in Strasbourg, the city where Jean- Luc teaches.
  Volker Schlondorff 沃尔科•舒隆多夫
   Internationally acclaimed director of the new German cinema, well known for his literary adaptions. 德国导演沃尔科•舒隆多夫在某种程度上来说是 位意像派的导演。他的大部分影片中总是反复 地咏叹着时间和历史漂流的无常。《Enlightenment 》这一颇有哲学思想的故事解释了什么 叫做“存在就是合理”。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1975 - The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum
  1976 - Germany in Autumn
  1979 - The Tin Drum
  1995 - Death of a Salesman with Dustin Hoffman
  1996 - The Ogre
  1998 - Palmetto
  2000 - Legend of Rita.
  Enlightenment 启蒙
   An entomological journey across the backdrop of East/ West Germany. A world where time and events race to meet us only to turn into memories as they slip past. An old man in a boat. A boy throwing stones on a beach. Pregnant daughter visits family on camping ground to introduce her African boyfriend. What is time exactly? Who can explain it? Who can articulate even a thought about it in any way? And yet, what is more familiar and ever-present than time?
  Michael Radford 迈克尔•拉德福特
  Established UK film director. 英国导演向来以内敛的风格著称,迈克尔•拉德 福特也不例外。在《Addicted To The Stars》 中,他以时空旅行的方式向我们验证了中国古 人的智慧:山中方一日,世上已千年。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1976 - The documentary/The Madonna and The Volcano
  1983 - Another Time, Another Place
  1984 - Nineteen Eighty-Four
  1987 - White Mischief
  1994 - Il Postino
  1997 - B. Monkey
  1999 - Dancing At The Blue Iguana
  Addicted To The Stars 迷恋星辰
  A long distance space pilot returns from the outer galaxies after a journey of eighty light years. Passing through the routine medical checks he learns that his body has aged by only ten minutes. Surrounded by a city which has, through time, become unfamiliar to him he starts to confront the consequences of his addiction to the stars.
  Jean-Luc Godard 让-吕克•戈达尔
   A founder of the French new wave and major influence on modern cinema. 这位集锦片爱好者如今仍然老当益壮兴趣不减 当年,十年没参加集锦片的拍摄,也许是手又 痒了。很多人都曾经对看懂他的作品绝望,但 是《Dans Le Noir Du Temps》绝对能将他们 从绝望中拉出来。
  Films Include: 电影作品:
   1960 - A Bout De Souffle
  1961 - Une Femme Est Une Femme
  1962 - Vivre Sa Vie
  1963 - Le Mépris
  1965 - Pierrot Le Fou/Alphaville
  1967 - Weekend
  1972 - Tout Va Bien
  1979 - Sauve Qui Peut (La Vie)
  1981 - Passion
  1982 - Prénom Carmen
  1984 � Détective
  Dans Le Noir Du Temps 在时间的黑暗中
   Jean-Luc Godard, using the elaborate montage of video and film images typical of some of his most inventive later work, is making ten-one minute films which form a complex, provocatively beautiful ten-minute study of time.
  15部短片,画面亮丽、色彩浓烈,黑白画面 更有着老相片般沧桑的质感。只所以分为“小 号篇”和“大提琴”篇,大概是和上下篇的短 片内容有关。“大提琴”篇的短片普遍比“小 号”篇的要更深邃和凝重些。或许,导演的年 龄差异也是原因之一吧。“小号”篇的导演出 生于40、50年代的二战中或者二战后,他们 所观察到的社会苦难和人类发展的历史远不如 “大提琴”篇的导演来的沉重和深刻。而大提 琴本身的音乐就是沉重而婉转的,充满了凝思 及审视的氛围,和小号的嘹亮、开朗相比,由 此作为背景音乐的故事也就更哀婉和悠远些。 当然,这些恰倒好处的配乐还得感谢音乐大 师保罗•英格利胥比(Paul Englishby),大提 琴和小号与时光主题的关系经过他的细致打 磨,呈现出了别样的风味,时光的流逝也因此 给人轻描淡写的感觉。时光流动如水,其中 流动的影像就是滤光后的水波流动。放在片末 的让-吕克•戈达尔的《在时间的黑暗中》为整 个集锦片画上了完美的句号:用拼贴的手法, 借用字幕、影片的旧胶片为媒介、以旁白组成 了对青春的、勇气的、思想的、记忆的、长存 的、爱情的、沉默的、故事的、恐惧的、永恒 的、电影的最后几分钟为主题,追忆生命告别 的方式。这种貌似随意的自由拼贴,却有着导 演对人类生与死的探索和理解。150分钟的影 像记录了这些大师们对时光的思索,通过影像 留下了人类瞬间的感怀,而除去这些感怀,我 们是否应该更深一步地去探究什么呢?漫漫时 光路,有那么多的记录方式留下人类的思想之 路,可是除此之外,人类又究竟在时光的长河 里留下了什么呢?