



 联办节目名称 《幸运全球通》



 1 节目费用 冠名播出 全年为六万元,现金或奖品由中国移动另外提供,具体事宜由双方协商确定。

 2 冠名播出 节目冠以中国移动的名称,节目全名为《幸运全球通》

 3 联办节目 (1)在节目当中会中插30秒广告一次或15秒广告两次,同时在节目当中主持人会反复强调的来说“这里是幸运全球通,感谢您的继续收听”,使听众在听觉上加强对中国移动的印象。




  (3)《幸运从天降》抽取5个中国移动的手机号码,机主作为当天的“全球通幸运之星”,奖金或奖品由中国移动负责提供,实行奖池累计制,每日累计。(奖金为上选,也可是中国移动话费充值卡,由双方协商),主持人会强调说“今天的(中国移动)幸运手机号是—” 全面激活获奖听众的参与热情与使用中国移动电话的机率。


  例如 在今天,我们的幸运之神将光临1390351****,这个号码将由三路热线外加一个主持人(或者全部由听众提供提供的数字组合产生)

  男 下面我们先请4035133的听众说一个数,好这位朋友说出了一个3,

  女 4035135的听众说出的幸运数字是5

  男 4035137的听众说出的幸运数字是7


  女 我来选择1

  男 今天的幸运号码产生了您只需在今天和明天的节目当中拨打我们的特别热线4035120,就有一份幸运大奖。

  注 让听众在今天和明天的节目当中来打入电话,这样不仅是听众与节目产生互动,而且可以提高听众对获奖听众公正性的认知度。


  (4) 奖品实行奖池累计制,以一个季度或一个月为限,如果到期累计奖品未中出,可以组织一场户外流动直播,进行户外竞拍义卖活动,所拍奖金以移动公司和节目的名义进行主题捐助。

  例如 救助失学儿童 资助公益活动等等。


  (5) 可以开设一个栏目名字暂定为《一鸣惊人》

  游戏规则 由移动公司来负责联系手机厂商,每日或每周提供连机带号手机一部,然后由手机赞助商和移动运营商确定一个号码。号码绝对保密

  1 每次节目开始,该奖品手机开机,节目结束时,手机关机。

  2 每次节目开始,只宣布该奖品手机的前七位号码,然后由听众随意拨打,谁能拨通,手机即为谁所有。

  3 但是存在误打与错打而扰民的问题,再协商解决办法。


  (6) 在《幸运点歌台》当中可为中国移动客户点播歌曲,由主持人送出真挚的祝福。

  (7) 《幸运点对点》,《幸运无极限》,《幸运点歌台》三个板块当中,由听众短信参与,全面激活听众使用中国移动短信的数量,可以由短信中介公司来全面负责操作具体操作事宜由双方协商。


  (8) 在赠与听众的奖品设置上,可与中国移动开展的所有相关业务紧密结合(如积分回报,赠送话费等),起到全面宣传的作用。

 4 奖品种类 (1) 现金

  (2) 话费充值卡

  (3) IP充值卡

  (4) 赠送通话时间

  (5) 赠送短信费用

  (6) 赠送中国移动开展的相关业务


 5 节目展望 随着节目的运作成熟,可以围绕移动的一些新业务展开设相关的节目板块。

  例如 可以增设一个节目板块 《上网寻宝》










 节目特色 1 是全省所有新闻媒体当中第一时间播报彩票信息的新闻机构,比电视提前一小时,比报纸提前一天。

 2 节目时间为晚间黄金档20:00—21:00,与长城台原有品牌节目《幸运958》全面整合,使听众群在原有的基础上扩大和延伸,范围更广,受众面更大。

  3 奖品设置与获奖方式与彩票现行办法全面接轨,给予听众最强烈的物质刺激

 4 该节目播报最新的彩票信息,笑话幽默,是一档综合的益智性娱乐节目,荟萃各个系列台成熟节目的精华。全面打造全新的广播节目品牌 。

 节目目的   21世纪的今天,彩票市场已得到健康的发展。“彩票”已成人们茶余饭后闲聊的话题,而购买彩票则更成为百姓生活中休闲消费项目之一 。


 节目简介 《幸运全球通》这个全新节目我们要以其新颖的形式,个性化的主持去赢得彩民以及社会各阶层听众的欢迎。这是一档火爆的综合性的娱乐节目,最新的彩票信息,最出乎意料的诙谐语言、最忍俊不禁的搞笑方式、最包罗万象的知识问答,最灸手可热的流行音乐,尽在轻松幽默的《幸运全球通》。该节目播报最新的彩票信息,以娱乐消闲为主的一档综合的益智性娱乐节目,定位于动感、活泼、轻松的节目气氛。以现场直播,热线参与为主,听众来信情感交流,新近热爆歌曲推介为辅。节目内容集娱乐性、知识性、趣味性、参与性于一体,带给您无尽欢乐。


 节目宗旨 2003年面对更为理性和成熟的听众,我们要争取更大的发展,而且争取要在节目上创新,因为只有创新才能有生命力。为听众提供全方位,多层次,广角度,实用性强的贴心服务,体现广播节目的人性化服务。把听众作为服务的对象。节目都是切实从听众的需求出发,为听众服务。让广播节目与我们的生活离得更近。打造广播品牌节目,让听众朋友在喧嚣的都市森林中寻找一条淙淙流淌的欢乐小溪。透过冷漠的城市面具探求到更多的知心好友。放下压力,享受轻松,为听众朋友送上一份珍宝――欢乐!让耳朵在电波中搜索欢乐,让欢乐在空中弥漫,让弥漫在空中的这种欢乐带给你一天美丽的好心情,让这种美丽好心情常伴左右!

 原因 广播节目内容要注意明确的收听群体。在媒体竞争激烈、电台“窄播”已成发展趋势的今天,节目的对象性应该明确,只有顺应社会某一群体的要求和选择,才能激发他们的收听兴趣,引起他们情感上的认同和联想,也才能有较持久的听众群。才能在听众中也得到了广泛的关注。要使我们的节目为广大听众喜闻乐听,提高收听率,就要用平民百姓的视角和普通听众的心理和 感觉做节目,实实在在地为听众解决问题。

 节目定位 一档动感、活泼、轻松的广播节目,是集知识性与娱乐性为一体的综合性娱乐益智类节目。听众打热线参与回答问题,发短信,主持人随机抽取,有丰厚奖品,

 节目理念 从听众与彩民的需求出发,为全民服务。让现在的广播节目与我们的生活离得更近。追逐快乐,让快乐与美好交融,青春与洒脱相约。争取实现经济效益值的最大化。

 受众群体 各行各业的普通大众,彩民,学生 ,汽车司机。

 节目架构 以滚动播出单元为支点;以晚间直播播出单元为主干,以奖品派送作为与听众互动的纽带 ,以与听众信件交流为桥梁。




 《幸运聊天室》 咖啡一杯,广播在握,聊天室中品春秋,多少不眠夜


 《今日开奖》 配合每周各种类型彩票的交替开奖,为彩民朋友及时传递最新的开奖信息,主持人还会结合前后几期出现的冷热号、连号等情况作简单评论,让您耳聪眼亮看彩市。

 《彩经一点通》 以诙谐幽默的主持风格去讲述一些彩票的经验。

 《彩票一家亲》 彩票的家庭,家庭的彩票 ,彩票与家的故事 ,尽在《彩票一家亲》

 《彩民故事》 如果说,中大奖的彩民是幸福之人,买彩票而中了小奖的人,也应该算作是幸福的人。可更多的还是与大奖擦肩而过而又痴心不改的广大彩民。这里注重介绍彩民背后的故事。

 《幸运无极限》 热线以及短信竞猜,在彩票开奖的头一天进行竞猜。你是否是幸运的,尽在《幸运无极限》。让节目与彩民互动起来,目的在于提高节目的收听性,向观众拉近、从而达到栏目与观众的良性互动,实现“贴近百姓、贴近生活、贴近时尚、以服务为本”的宗旨。


 《幸运答题》 热线答题,IQ比拼

 《幸运从天降》 1 每天随机抽取数个手机电话号

 2 每天随机抽取两个幸运车号


  3 每天随机抽取一个身份证号

  太原市区常住人口身份证号 (备选)

 抽取原则 由主持人来规定一个范围,剩余的由听众朋友热线给出,充分显示获奖听众的随机性与公正性


 获奖方式 奖品为现金或实物,在幸运号码公布以后,在一(两个,备选)小时之内与主持人指定的电话取得联系,否则认为自动放弃获奖资格,奖品或现金进行累计,自动滚入下一天的奖池 。


 《幸运点对点》 每天在节目当中出一道题,由无法打入热线的听众朋友,用手机短信来回答,在节目最后抽出当天的幸运听众三名,给与奖品奖励。

 《幸运点歌台》 (在周日)


 节目运行方式 直播与听众参与, 全方位、多视角和听众互动性的以彩票类服务为主的综合性娱乐益智类节目。

 节目风格 轻松活泼,风趣幽默,亲切自然、新鲜活跃,浓浓的亲和力的主持风格,由男女主持人共同来主持。诙谐,幽默,搞笑,强化了主持人的人格化和个性化,以强烈的时代特色,鲜活的人物形象去感染更多的朋友加入到《幸运全球通》的节目当中

 节目口号 幸运全球通,幸运尽在不言中 (暂定)



 to implement the situation to be checked.Two, on behalf of workers should work hard to improve their own quality, on behalf of the legitimate interests of workers, and truthfully reflect the opinions and demands of the masses of workers, law-abiding model good books work.Three, on behalf of the staff and workers to exercise democratic rights, any organization and individual shall not suppress obstruction and strike retaliation.The fourth chapter organization systemThe thirteenth generation of workers congress delegation chairman presided over the meeting discussion, the members of the presidium shall, operators, managers and technicians. Our company middle-level cadres, including workers, technical personnel, management staff should be more than half.The fourteenth section of the workers' Congress held once a year at least for each meeting, there must be 33 points more than two staff representatives attend the seats. In case of major matters by the general manager, the labor union of the company more than 1/3 staff or staff representatives proposal may convene the meeting. The workers' Congress elections held and resolutions must be approved by all workers represented by more than half.Twenty-fifth of the workers congress around increase and enhance the vitality of enterprises, promote the technology step by step, improve economic efficiency, for enterprise management, an important problem of distribution system and workers life and fix the issue. Staff and workers congress decided in its position within the scope of authority, without consent shall not be modified by the workers' Congress change.Table sixteenth employee representative congress is not in session, the need for temporary solutionAn important question by trade unions called post head meeting of representatives of the staff and workers, and consultation with the down of a workers' congress report confirmed. Head meeting may participate in according to the meeting invited the leadership of the company and other relevant personnel.The fifth chapter of the staff and workers' Congress and the trade unionSeventeenth work as a staff representative of the general assembly of the work of the organization, to undertake the following work:First, the organization of staff and workers elected representatives.Two, the collection of workers on behalf of the major issues of the proposal, presided over the work of representatives of the general assembly of the preparatory work and the organization of the meeting.Three, presided over the meeting of representatives of the staff and workers on behalf of the meeting.Four, the organization of specialized teams to investigate and research, to make recommendations to the workers' Congress, inspection and supervision and supervision of the implementation of the resolution of the general assembly, the implementation of the staff and workers to implement the resolution of the General Assembly on behalf of workers.Five, to the staff and workers into the democratic management of publicity and education, the organization of staff and workers on behalf of the learning policy, business and management knowledge, improve the quality of the staff representatives.Six, accept and deal with the complaints and suggestions of representatives of the staff and workers, maintenance of the legitimate rights and interests of workers.Seven, the organization of democratic management of its other work.The sixth chapter of the Department of the room, the team's democratic managementAccording to the specific circumstances, the eighteenth department may take the form of the employees' Congress or the employee's representative office to exercise democratic management power in the affairs of the authority of the Department.Nineteenth teams and groups of democratic management, by the workers directly participate in the team's trade union leaders and workers under the auspices of the activities carried out under the auspices of the team building by the trade union leader to assist the squad leader.The seventh chapter supplementary provisionsArticle twentieth the company's trade unions shall be responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.Article twenty-first of the regulations issued from the date of promulgation.Trade union workOne, promote the party's road line, principles, policies, the implementation of the higher level of union spirit, under the leadership of the Party committee and the completion of the work of the task.Two, strengthen democratic management, do a good job of the staff and workers' Congress held preparatory, and closing work, do not hold regular workers delegation head of the meeting, to ensure the smooth flow of the main channel of democracy.Three, adhere to the "22" maintenance of unity, do a good job in the labor dispute mediation work, the protection of the specific interests of the masses of the protection of the masses of workers from invasion.Four, strengthen the source participation, actively participate in the company's various policy strategies, measures to develop, and supervise the implementation of the line, reflecting the wishes of the majority of workers and requirements.Five, the organization of workers to carry out labor competition, to make reasonable proposals, small leather, small inventions to create a living activity, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the production of workers.Six, to carry out the "warm and warm project" activities for the workers to run everything, practical things, to help solve the difficult life, do a good job of mutual assistance insurance and staff and workers to study and research work.Seven, establish and perfect the trade unions at all levels, achieve organization system network, fixed regularly held congress, a good new member of the development and transfer of work.Eight, establish and improve the levels of female workers organization, coordination of relevant departments to do a good job of female female workers "four period", play essential role of female workers into the sky, to promote the development of production, protect the legitimate rights and interests of women workers are not infringed.Nine, the group organized the staff to carry out health, education and teaching in music, small and diverse cultural and sports activities, active corporate cultural life, and strive to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise.Ten, to strengthen the financial management of the union, according to the trade union funds on time, to develop the use of the labor union funds budget, reasonable expenses, and do a good job in the collection and use of union dues.Union membership management systemArticle 1 this regulation is formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the articles of association of China's trade union, and with the company's actual situation.Second who meet the conditions for membership in the Union constitution and the provisions of the China < >, has signed a labor contract with the company staff can apply to join into the union.Third apply for unionized workers, shall I put out the application, and the Chinese National Federation of trade unions shall fill in "application form" and "trade union membership registration form", by the union approval group and grass-roots trade union audit, is a member of the union. Its membership from the union committee approved the date since.Fourth trade union members should actively participate in the activities of the union, the right to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations, and timely payment of contributions.Fifth members will be free to go back. Members of the withdrawal will be written application, through the trade union group, approved by the labor union committee, from the day of withdrawal will stop paying their dues.Sixth members do not have the proper reason to continue for 6 months without payment of membership dues, do not participate in the processing will organize life, education refused to correct, should be regarded as automatic withdrawal.Article 77 where serious crimes and criminal sanctions by members of trade unions, by the Committee for discussion and decision, dismissed its membership.The relationship between the eighth members of the organization changes with the change of labor relations, the labor relations of the members change, the relationship between the members of the human relations with me to transfer, with the membership card to transfer.Ninth to master company membership, every month 25 days before this grass-roots trade unions shall fill in "grass-roots union members report > union office reported to the company, requirements in a timely manner, digital true and reliable.Tenth such as the management of the members of the lost Dangdang, causing unnecessary labor disputes, etc., will be held responsible for the relevant personnel.Eleventh handle refund formalities will have workers, and apply for membership, allowing it to re apply for the admission procedures.Twelfth members retired, retired, laid-off, insurable retained membership. Membership retention period from dues. Members maintain membership, no longer have the right to vote and to be elected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. In addition to enjoy the insurance benefits, the same treatment will no longer enjoy membership.Thirteenth the Ordinance shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and the right to interpret it shall be in the company's trade union committee.Union chairman job dutiesOne, in the company Party branch and the superior trade union under the leadership of the trade union committee, presided over this unit is responsible for the daily work. The trade union work plan, regular arrangement, examination, summing up the work, and timely reporting to the Party branch and trade unions.Two, the implementation of the implementation of the party's line, principles, policies, adhere to the production and operation of enterprises as the center of the heart and to democratic management as the focus, play the essential role of working mechanism of the Congress, the comprehensive carry out the activities of trade unions.Three, the implementation of democratic centralism principle, chaired by members of the general assembly or a member of Congress, trade union committee, democracy, brainstorming, the trade unions do to promote the harmonious development of enterprises and employees, the stability and unity of the home of workers.Four, support the work of enterprise administration, to participate in the development of the enterprise planning, reform and innovation and life and other important work to discuss the work, and actively put forward reasonable proposals.Five, do the preparatory work of the Congress, to complete the work of the congress delegate support.Six, pay attention to listen to the opinions and requirements of the majority of members, in a timely manner to the Party branch and the administrative counter reflection, the maintenance of the rights and interests of workers and the vital interests of the enterprise administrative staff to help improve the welfare of workers.Seven, the organization to carry out health and physical and mental health of the culture and entertainment, sports activities.Eight, responsible for the scope of trade unions in the political learning, assessment, awarding work.Nine, to assist the female staff members will do a good job of female staff and workers, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of female workers.Ten, assist enterprises in the relevant aspects of the association, do a good job in the work of retired workers and their families.Eleven, the examination and approval of trade union funds.Twelve, timely completion of the party organization and the work of the superior union arrangement.Detailed rules for the implementation of the regulations of the staff and workers' CongressChapter I General ProvisionsThe first one according to the People's Republic of China constitution in < > and < theconsolidation industrial workers congress during the People's Republic of China regulations cases of industrial enterprises owned by the "spirit, the regulations implementing rules are formulated.The second company employee representative congress is the basic form of democratic management of the enterprise, is the right agency workers to exercise their democratic management. The main work is the trade union committee organization of the staff and workers' Congress, responsible for the daily work of the workers' Congress.Third employees in the company under the leadership of Party branch, to implement the party's line, principles and policies of needles, and state laws and regulations, correctly handle the state, collective, individual interests of the three, in the law within the prescribed scope of authority.Article 44 the Congress shall actively support the general manager of the company to exercise the management decision and the unified command of production, scientific research activities authority.Fifth to establish and improve the system of workers' Congress and other democratic management systems, security and play the role of trade union organizations and representatives of the staff and workers to review the major decision of enterprises in the trial supervision, administrative leadership, role and rights to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and so on.Article 66 The Congress implement democratic centralism in the system.Second chapter of authorityThe Seventh Congress exercised the following powersFirst, the right to consider proposalsListen to the general manager of the regular work report; review; business policy, long-term long-term planning, the annual plan; basic construction plan; major technical transformation scheme;; employee training plan; financial budget is put forward opinions and suggestions; gold funds allocation and use case.Two, the review of the consent or vetoThe salary adjustment scheme of the enterprise; the bonus scheme; the labor protection measures; the reward measures for the employees and the important rules and regulations of the enterprise are reviewed.Three, to consider the right to decide:For workers Fulili fund; workers housing allocation; other important matters relating to workers Living welfare review will be decided.Four, appraisal, supervision powerLeading cadres at all levels of supervision, regular review, general manager of the office should fulfill the duties and objectives of supervision, the layers of cadres to the general manager of science can be put forward to praise, reward, punishment, promotion or group of criticism, dismissed suggestions.Five, the right to democratic electionsAccording to the superior department in charge of the deployment of the competent authorities or the approval of the higher authorities, the staff representatives of the people's democratic recommendation or the election of enterprise administrative leadership, and the election results reported to the competent authorities for approval.The Eighth Congress will be the taskFirst, the party and government departments to do a good job of the "two" civilization, the workers of the ideological, discipline and professional ethics education.Two, Congress should support education workers of the company general manager for the mobilization of workers to carry out the exercise of the powers, the provisions, abide by discipline, efforts to complete the task.Three, close contact with the general staff and workers, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and truthfully reflect the views and requirements of the workers.Staff representative of the third chapterThe ninth company employees entitled to political rights in accordance with the provisions of the law, can be elected as the representative of the staff.Tenth representatives of the staff and workers to produce, should take the Department, the workshop as a unit, by the workers directly elected, not appointed by the leadership of the leadership. The number of its representatives should be accounted for 10-20%. of the total number of workersEleventh a staff representative should be a worker, technical personnel, management personnel, workers and other leading cadres group consisting of young workers and female workers should be accounted for a proper proportion. A guest, attend on behalf of several seats.According to the needs of the work and the number of representatives of the composition of a number of representatives of the table group, elected leader, deputy leader.Twelfth representatives of the staff and workers of real implementation of the permanent system, every three to four years of election election once, may be re elected.Article thirteenth supplementary supplementary of the staff and workers' representativesThe representatives of the staff and workers from the unit or away from retirement, on behalf of automatically disqualified, on behalf of the delegation to the original vacancy shall be in accordance with the provisions of the election.Replace the fourteenth representatives of the staff and workersThere are the representatives of the employees, who have the right to change the unit:1, due to illegal law and discipline punishment;2, often without reason not to participate in the activities of the staff representatives of the staff and the organization of the work of the organization, a serious dereliction of duty;3, because of unpaid leave, sick leave and long-term, full-time study and so on, not to participate in the activities of the post of the staff and workers' congress;4, removed from the unit, from the original delegation.The rights of the representatives of the fifteenth employeesFirst, the incumbent will have the right to vote in the election, the right to vote and the right to vote.Two, have the right to participate in the Congress and its working mechanism in the company. Check all relevant departments to carry out the workers congress resolution and proposal to implement the situation, have the right to the right to participate in the personnel of the company leadership question.Three, to participate in the organization of the staff and workers' Congress of the activities of the organization and occupy production or work hours, according to the normal attendance to enjoy the treatment of the case.Four, the exercise of democratic rights of workers' representatives. Any organization or individual person shall stop, obstruct and take revenge complex.Five, during the term of office workers, in addition to personal serious negligence, enterprises may not perform their duties on behalf of the reasons for the lifting of the labor contract or employment changes.Obligations of the sixteenth employees' representativesOne, to study the principles, policies, laws and regulations of the party and the state, and constantly improve the political consciousness, technical and technical level and the ability to participate in the management.Two, in close contact with the masses, representing the legitimate rights and interests of workers, truthfully reflect the opinions and demands of the masses, workers, seriously implement the Congress resolution. To do good work, Congress gave the patience to do ideological education of the masses education work.Three, adhere to the basic principles of the four basic principles, and abide by the national laws, regulations and rules and regulations, labor discipline, do their own work.Four, do a business owner, actively participate in the democratic management of enterprises, as well as to their own political obligations, really play the role of staff representatives.The fourth chapter organization systemThe twenty-seventh Congress Chairman presided over the meeting. All the members of the presidium shall have the workers, technical staff, management staff and leading cadres. The technical workers, technical personnel, management personnel should be more than Banbanshu.The eighteenth Congress will be held once a year. Each meeting will be there must be more than 2/3 of workers' representatives.In case of major events, the proposal by the general manager, a trade union or more than one of the staff representatives of three points, cocoa held a provisional meeting.Behalf of the general assembly of the representatives of the general assembly to elect and make a resolution, must be approved by the majority of all representatives of the staff and workers.The nineteenth Congress should focus on enhancing enterprise vitality, promote technological progress, improve the economic benefit for enterprise management, an important problem of the distribution system and other aspects of the life of workers to determine the issue.Twentieth items will function in its decision within the scope of its powers, not by the workers' Congress agrees not to repair.Twenty-first post Congress may according to the needs, set up a number of dry mattersquickly. (23) Gao Changhai night rescued compatriots in January 1943, the Japanese control after Su Jiahu along the highway, to intensify guerrilla "raids". One day, the Japanese army from Wuzhen area caught 53 "Shina" is held in spring qiaotu farm

 to implement the situation to be checked.Two, on behalf of workers should work hard to improve their own quality, on behalf of the legitimate interests of workers, and truthfully reflect the opinions and demands of the masses of workers, law-abiding model good books work.Three, on behalf of the staff and workers to exercise democratic rights, any organization and individual shall not suppress obstruction and strike retaliation.The fourth chapter organization systemThe thirteenth generation of workers congress delegation chairman presided over the meeting discussion, the members of the presidium shall, operators, managers and technicians. Our company middle-level cadres, including workers, technical personnel, management staff should be more than half.The fourteenth section of the workers' Congress held once a year at least for each meeting, there must be 33 points more than two staff representatives attend the seats. In case of major matters by the general manager, the labor union of the company more than 1/3 staff or staff representatives proposal may convene the meeting. The workers' Congress elections held and resolutions must be approved by all workers represented by more than half.Twenty-fifth of the workers congress around increase and enhance the vitality of enterprises, promote the technology step by step, improve economic efficiency, for enterprise management, an important problem of distribution system and workers life and fix the issue. Staff and workers congress decided in its position within the scope of authority, without consent shall not be modified by the workers' Congress change.Table sixteenth employee representative congress is not in session, the need for temporary solutionAn important question by trade unions called post head meeting of representatives of the staff and workers, and consultation with the down of a workers' congress report confirmed. Head meeting may participate in according to the meeting invited the leadership of the company and other relevant personnel.The fifth chapter of the staff and workers' Congress and the trade unionSeventeenth work as a staff representative of the general assembly of the work of the organization, to undertake the following work:First, the organization of staff and workers elected representatives.Two, the collection of workers on behalf of the major issues of the proposal, presided over the work of representatives of the general assembly of the preparatory work and the organization of the meeting.Three, presided over the meeting of representatives of the staff and workers on behalf of the meetin