[成为优秀百分百女孩] 百分百破解游戏盒子

  Every grade"s got one: the Totally Together Girl (or TTG for short). She is straight-A2) smart, class president and even volunteers at an animal shelter. You want to hate her (only truth is, you kind of want to be her). Lucky for you, we"re spilling the secrets of the Totally Together Girls.
  Secret No. 1: She Does Away with Distractions
  You"d so study for your trig3) test, but Gossip Girl is on and your toenail"s4) in desperate need of a top coat5). What"s a girl to do? Well, TTG"s going to focus on the important stuff—like schoolwork, natch6)—first. Save the toes and shows for Saturday and tackle7) tasks with a definite deadline.
  If you can"t seem to get organized, set reminders on a Google Calendar8) and highlight ultra-busy days in your planner. Prioritizing9)—not procrastinating10)—will make your must-dos more manageable.
  Secret No. 2: She Stresses Less
  Ever wonder how TTG stays so cool, even as things get super-heated? She doesn"t take herself too seriously. She knows that a little bit of LOL11) goes a long way, and she"s right—studies show a sense of humor can relieve stress and lead to success.
  So if your first day of dishwashing in the soup kitchen12) leaves you covered head-to-toe in soapy water, laugh it off and go with the, um, flow.
  Secret No. 3: She Keeps a Positive Attitude
  It may look like everything goes her way, but TTG has her share of not-so-great moments. (Hello, she"s human!) The difference? She doesn"t ditch13) her dreams when there"s a bit of a setback.
  Next time things don"t go according to plan, take cues from TTG. Give yourself a little wallow14) time, then stop striking and pursue your passion another way. OK, you didn"t make the soccer squad. Why not coach a kids" team? You may not be the star, but you"re still going to shine.
  Secret No. 4: She Hollers15) for Help
  We have a news flash: TTG didn"t rocket to star status by muscling16) through every project solo17). She likely has a major support network and asks for help when she needs it ... and so should you.
  Stumbling over a history assignment? Get tips from your teacher after school. Swamped18) with swim practice? Ask your BFF to host the poster-painting session for the Blood Drive19) (you can return the favor later). Delegating20) tasks or sending out an SOS is totally OK—and one of the quickest ways to get (and stay) at the top.
  Secret No. 5: She"s Got Killer Confidence
  There"s no hiding the fact that TTG knows what she wants and has the confidence to get there. Sounds a bit cheesy21), we know, but believing in yourself really is the most important factor in achieving success. So even if you feel sort of shaky on the inside, self-confidence and a smile work wonders for your exterior. Just ask TTG—oh wait, that"s you!
  百分百女孩看起来似乎诸事顺利,不过,她也有不如意的时候。(拜托,她也是人啊!) 那差别嘞?百分百女孩可不会在一点儿挫折面前就放弃她的梦想。
  1. together [təˈɡeðə(r)] adj. 明智的;自信的
  2. straight-A: 成绩最优秀的
  3. trig [trɪɡ] n. 三角学
  4. toenail [ˈtəʊneɪl] n. 脚指甲
  5. top coat: (油漆等的)外涂层
  6. natch [nætʃ] adv. 当然地
  7. tackle [ˈtækl] vt. 处理
  8. Google Calendar: 谷歌日历。它是谷歌公司推出的免费在线日历服务,用户可用其进行日程安排、重要事情的备忘、提醒等,还可利用其共享功能,让别人了解自己的日程安排。
  9. prioritize [praɪˈɒrətaɪz] v. 把……区分优先次序;优先考虑
  10. procrastinate
   [prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt] v. 延迟,耽搁
  11. LOL [ˌel əʊ ˈel] abbr. =
  12. soup kitchen: 赈济所
  13. ditch [dɪtʃ] vt. 抛弃,丢弃
  14. wallow [ˈwɒləʊ] n. 沉迷;堕落
  15. holler [ˈhɒlə(r)] vi. 叫喊
  16. muscle [ˈmʌsl] vi. 使劲行进
  17. solo [ˈsəʊləʊ] adv. 单独地
  18. swamp [swɒmp] v. 使应接不暇;无法招架
  19. Blood Drive: 献血活动
  20. delegate [ˈdelɪɡeɪt] vt. 委派
  21. cheesy [ˈtʃiːzi] adj. 陈词滥调的,老生常谈的