卡米拉.帕克.鲍尔斯:安德鲁 帕克 鲍尔斯

  She will never be Queen of England, or England"s Queen of Hearts, but Camilla Parker Bowles has at least gone one better than her best-known ancestor. Mrs. Parker Bowles is a direct descendant of Alice Keppel, a society matron who was the last official mistress of King Edward VII, the Prince of Wales"s great-great-grandfather.
  Mrs. Keppel died in September 1947 at the age of 78, without ever meeting her great-granddaughter Camilla Shand, who was born in London two months earlier to the Honourable Rosalind Cubitt (whose forebear Thomas Cubitt built much of London"s West End) and Major Bruce Shand, who was deputy lord lieutenant of East Sussex, the Queen"s official representative in the county, as well as a wine merchant.
  Camilla grew up in rural Sussex and was educated at Queen"s Gate School in South Kensington, before attending finishing school in Switzerland and France. She is a socialite by birth and by nature. Born into the English elite circle, like other girls of her station, she was groomed for a place in society; as the wife of a wealthy aristocrat. Her reputation since childhood paints the picture of an outgoing, charismatic individual noted for her wit and a good sense of humour. Her charisma, ①by all accounts, did not get lost on men who, as her friends and acquaintances say, have always liked Camilla. Still, if it weren"t for the affection of one man in particular, the Prince of Wales and heir to the British throne, this reputation would have most likely stayed ②within the limits of Camilla"s exclusive social circle. As it stands, Camilla is internationally known, living the life of a celebrity surrounded by intrusive public interest that makes her the subject of abuse and admiration all at the same time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
  Camilla was athletic; she enjoyed the outdoors and traditional sports like hunting and fishing. As a friend of hers recalls: "She wasn"t particularly clothes-conscious; nothing"s changed there. But she always exuded a sexy confidence over men. She was quite a flirt, she liked men." When Camilla graduated from the fashionable Queen"s Gate School for girls in London, she was ready for her debut in society. In 1965 after spending six months in Europe, she moved to London. She worked part-time as a secretary, devoting the rest of her time to a full social diary of country-house weekends and events like hunt balls.
  Reportedly, one of Camilla"s favourite ancestors was Alice Keppel. According to Camilla"s biographer, Caroline Graham, she was fascinated with Alice while growing up. In 1970, she became an instant success with Prince Charles. The pair met at a polo match where Camilla apparently said to the prince, "You know that my great-grandmother was your great-great-grandfather"s mistress, so how about it?" This was the beginning of a romance that has spanned decades. Charles and Camilla soon became inseparable and for a while they were a happy young couple seen in London"s hottest spots together. However, the relationship failed to develop into a marriage. Camilla"s reputation as a regular on the London party scene made her an unacceptable candidate for the wife to the future king of England. Charles disappeared into the Navy and, in July 1973, Camilla married Andrew Parker Bowles, an attractive, well-connected colonel in the Household Cavalry.
  Andrew Parker Bowles made no great effort to disguise the fact that he was continuously unfaithful to her from the start. In the meantime, her friendship with Charles continued. The young prince was much taken by Camilla"s unaffected exuberance, which contrasted with his own anxious diffidence. The two also shared a similar sense of humour and a love of horses.
  Their relationship was alive and well when Charles began to court Diana Spencer. It is now commonly believed that the "fairytale wedding" of Charles and Diana in 1981 was nothing more than a marriage of convenience designed to keep the royal family happy. Charles true love was, and still is, Camilla. In fact, a mere ten days before the wedding, Diana asked to see Camilla so that she could confront her. She returned from that meeting satisfied that everything was "understood". Nonetheless, it was not long before Diana realized that Camilla would not simply go away. On their honeymoon, the subject came up again, when she noticed that her husband was wearing cuff-links that had been given to him by Camilla.
  By the mid 1980"s Charles and Camilla"s affair was common knowledge. Camilla kept tight-lipped about her relationship with the prince throughout all the ups and downs. That was no easy task. Diana"s popularity in England was universal and Camilla was regularly demonized as a "homebreaker" and a "Rottweiler" by the British press and the public blamed her for the destruction of Charles" and Diana"s marriage. In 1995, her marriage to Parker Bowles ended and the following year Charles and Diana divorced. It seemed that the time was coming when Charles would accompany her in public. However, when Diana was killed in a car accident in 1997, Camilla withdrew from public life to avoid the fury that was being directed at her.
  In July 1998, Prince William agreed to meet his father"s partner for the first time, and the news was leaked to the press. Tabloids beamed with speculation about the encounter, reporting that after half an hour of tea and small talk Camilla said, "I really need a gin and tonic". About six months later, Charles and Camilla made their first public appearance together outside the London Ritz Hotel, where they attended Camilla"s sister"s birthday party. Since then, their relationship has become more and more open. On April 9th, 2005 they were formally married. Mrs. Parker Bowles has become Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, effectively the second most senior royal female after the Queen even though she will remain Princess Consort when the Prince succeeds his mother.
  The public have also become much warmer to her. Her long dedication and loyalty to the same man has earned her the respect of the people. No longer is she viewed as the "other woman" but as the victim, and survivor, of extremely difficult circumstances.
  descendant /di`send(9)nt/ n.后裔;后代
  major /`mei_9/ n.少校
  lord lieutenant /l5d le`ten9nt/ n.郡治安长官
  finishing school 女子精修学校;(青年妇女)家事学校
  socialite /`s9uH9lait/ n.社会名流;名士
  groom /Gr6m/vt.培训;培植
  society /s9`sai9ti/ n.上流社会;社会
  aristocrat /`2ist9kr2t/ n.贵族
  outgoing /`autG9uiM/ adj.对人友好的;好交往的
  charismatic /,k2riz`m2tik/ adj.超凡魅力的
  heir /^/ n.继承人
  intrusive /in`tr6siv/ adj.打扰的;插入的
  exude /iG`z(d/ v.(使)渗出;发散开来
  fashionable /`f2H9n9bl/ adj.上流社会的;受时髦人士欢迎的
  well-connected /wel k9`nektid/ adj.有广泛社会关系的
  colonel /`k/n(9)l/ n.上校
  exuberance /iG`z(b9r9ns/ n.茂盛;丰富
  diffidence /`difid9ns/ n.缺乏自信;胆怯