

Salt & Straw是金和泰勒这对堂姐弟共同创立的。为了创立Salt & Straw,金取出了她的积蓄,泰勒测试了无数种冰激凌口味,最终他们成功了。

1 “We admire the word ‘wonder’,” said Tyler Malek, the co founder (共同创立者) of Salt & Straw. Based in Portland, Oregon, the ice cream company started in 2011 with a food cart (手推车).

2 More than a decade ago, Tyler s cousin, Kim Malek, had the idea of bringing local artisans together and helping create a sense of community. The cousins decided that they could do this by making ice cream. But neither one had ever made ice cream before.“It was difficult to dive into a new career,” Tyler said.

3 I asked a chef how he was able to turn his love of ice cream and his love of books into a recipe for success. “Reading was my favorite in high school. It still is today,” he said. He picked up his first cookbook as a teenager. “I realized then that stories of delicious food are so interesting,” he said.

4 Salt & Straw now has ice cream shops in several cities in the United States, including Los Angeles, California, and Miami, Florida. It now offers handmade ice cream in several inventive flavors. The company also sells cookbooks, candles, hats, and other goods. Meanwhile, it offers home delivery (递送).

5 To get the business started, Kim cashed in her savings and bought a food cart. Tyler spent $16 on four used ice cream makers. He tested countless (无数的) flavors. The duo (二人组) looked to Portland based chefs, chocolate makers, and farmers for inspiration and ideas. “It s important to never copy from others,” Tyler said.

6 Tyler and Kim hope to see their business continue to grow. When asked his advice for other creators who may get stuck along the way, Tyler had a simple answer, “Eat some ice cream!”

1. What can be learned about Salt & Straw?

A. It came from the word “wonder”.

B. It was started by Tyler Malek.

C. It started with a food cart.

D. It hardly created a sense of community.

2. What did Tyler think of making ice cream at first?

A. It was challenging. B. It was a piece of cake.

C. It needed much money. D. It needed the true love of ice cream.

3. What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

A. The service of Salt & Straw.

B. Shops of Salt & Straw around the world.

C. Different flavors of Salt & Straw.

D. Kim and Tyler s action to start Salt & Straw.

Difficult sentence

When asked his advice for other creators who may get stuck along the way, Tyler had a simple answer, “Eat some ice cream!” 當被问及他给其他可能被困在路上的创业者的建议时,泰勒给出了一个简单的答案:“吃点冰激凌!”

【点石成金】该句中,when引导时间状语从句,when后省略了he was。当从句的主语和主句的主语相同时,若从句的谓语动词是be动词或者是be动词的某种形式,此时,从句中的主语和be动词可以一同省略。


While                           a young boy, he was always ready to help others.

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