
  翻译:雅盈 High school student Bartleby“B”Gaines (Justin Long) just receives eight rejection letters from colleges ?which isn"t going to be received well by Mom and Dad. At least he"s not alone in the exclusion[排除]. Several of his friends are in the same situation. So…how does a guy facing such a hopeless career[生涯] please his parents and get noticed by his dream girl Monica (Blake Lively)? That"s simple. Open his own university! B and his misfit freshmen[大学一年级学生] clean up an abandoned[废弃的] mental hospital[精神病院], employ a brilliant ?but rebellious[难以控制的] ?uncle (Lewis Black) as the dean and create a fake[假的] web site as their campus calling card[名片]. South Harmon Institute of Technology is born. Just as they are settling in, B and company realize they"re done their jobs too well. Dozens of other college rejects show up for classes at this institute. Under the scornful[轻蔑的] eyes of the students from the neighboring college, B and his friends forge[锻造] ahead with maintaining a fake university. Their effort to explore alternative[另一可选的] education results in a battle between the South Harmon co-eds[男女混合学校的学生] and the “sister”school snobs[自以为有学问的人]. With his future in the balance[不确定], it"s going to take more than just sleight of hand[巧妙的手法] to keep B out of jail as he tries to impress his parents and his dream girl, and just become…accepted.