江苏建筑职业技术学院官网 某实验中学教学楼建筑选型与格调

  摘要: 本文结合某一实验中学建筑群,给出了建筑的布局与格调,重点阐述了阳光大厅屋盖建筑方案的选型,最终采取结构,为同类教育学府的建筑方案设计提供参考。   Abstract: Combining with the experimental middle-school buildings, gives the building layout and style, elaborates with emphasis the sunshine hall roof construction scheme, eventually taking a plane grid structure, this can provide reference for architectural scheme design of similar educational institutions.
  关键词: 建筑群;布局与格调;建筑方案;平板网架
  Key words: buildings;layout and style;architectural scheme;plane grid
  中图分类号:TU213 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2012)09-0056-01