
  易错点一:在及物动词后误加介词   按英语习惯,及物动词后接宾语时无需用任何介词,但有的同学受汉语意思的影响,或受相关名词用法的影响,有时会在及物动词后误加介词。如:
  1. 那个陌生人看见门开着就进了屋子。
  误:Seeing the door open,the stranger entered into the house.
  正:Seeing the door open,the stranger entered the house.
  表示进入某一具体的场所、机构、建筑物等,enter是及物动词,其后一般不接介词 into。但是,若表示开始做某事、讨论或研究或处理某事、进入某种状态等,通常要用 enter into。如:They entered into a long discussion. 他们开始一段长时间的讨论。
  2. 她跟在公共汽车上遇见的一名男子结婚了。
  误:She married with a man that she met on a bus.
  正:She married a man that she met on a bus.
  表示与某人结婚,marry是及物动词,不要受汉语的影响,在其后误加介词 with或 to。但是,在be [get] married to sb (同某人结婚)结构中,可用介词 to(仍不能按汉语意思用 with),此处的married可视为形容词。
  3. 我愿意你别提价钱。
  误:I would rather you didn’t mention about the price.
  正:I would rather you didn’t mention the price.
  4. 你若对我们的报价感兴趣,请与我们联系。
  误:If you are interested in our offer,please contact with us.
  正:If you are interested in our offer,please contact us.
  contact是及物动词,其意为“与……联系”,不要按汉语意思在其后误加介词 with。
  5. 我必须学好英语,以便更好地为人民服务。
  误:I must learn English well so that I may serve for the people better.
  正:I must learn English well so that I may serve the people better.
  6. 劳资双方应该开会讨论彼此间的分歧。
  误:The management and the union should get together to discuss about their differences.
  正:The management and the union should get together to discuss their differences.
  由于discuss(讨论)是及物动词,其后可直接跟被讨论的对象作宾语,无需用介词 about,on等。导致此错误很可能是受名词形式的discussion(讨论)后可接介词 about的影响,比较:We had a long discussion about polities. 我们对政治问题进行了长时间的讨论。
  7. 你要想卖掉你的产品,你就得为此登广告。
  误:If you want to sell your product you must advertise for it.
  正:If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.
  advertise for sth (sb)意为“登广告征求或寻找某物或某人”(此时 advertise是不及物动词);若要表示“为……登广告”或“登广告宣传……”,advertise是及物动词,其后要直接跟被宣传的东西作宾语。比较:The manager wants to advertise for a new secretary. 经理想登广告招聘一位新秘书。
  1. 请把这条规则给我解释一下。
  误:Please explain me this rule.
  正:Please explain this rule to me.
  explain(解释)通常不后接双宾语,要表示类似意思,可使用explain sth to sb这样的结构。
  2. 犯不着跟她生气。
  误:She’s not worth getting angry.
  正:She’s not worth getting angry with.
  按英语习惯,句子主语she应是其后动名词短语getting angry的逻辑宾语,但由于getting angry本身不具备带宾语的条件,所以要根据句意给补上合适的介词with。
  3. 进屋之前请先敲门。
  误:Please knock the door before entering.
  正:Please knock at the door before entering.
  knock表示“敲”,有时及物(后接宾语时不用介词),有时不及物(后接宾语时要用介词),其区别是:若“敲”的目的是为了引人注意,则它通常是不及物的,此时要跟宾语,其后须用介词 at或 on;若“敲”的目的不是为了引人注意,而是强调用力或使某物移动位置等,则是及物的。
  4. 他们冒雨继续进行篮球比赛。
  误:They went on their basketball match in spite of the rain.
  正:They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain.
  go on(继续)后可以接不定式(表示做完某事后接着做另一件事),也可接动词的-ing形式(表示继续或不停地做一直在做的事),但是不能接名词;后接名词时,要用 go on with结构。
  5. 不要把肥皂用尽,留一些给我洗。
  误:Don’t use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash.
  正:Don’t use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.
  如果单独看Leave me some to wash这个句子,它并没有错,其意为“留一些让我洗”;但联系上文,则句意不通,因为“肥皂”是用来洗其他东西的,而不是用来被洗的。比较下面一句:Don’t wash all the clothes. Leave me some to wash. 不要把所有衣服都洗了,留一些让我洗。
  6. 这座城市依靠旅游业。
  误:The town depends the tourist trade.
  正:The town depends on the tourist trade.
  depend(依靠)是不及物动词,若语义上需要接宾语,则须借助介词 on,upon。又如:We may be late―it depends on the traffic. 我们可能迟到――这就要看交通状况了。
  7. 有一位先生有要事坚持要见你。
  误:There is a gentleman who insists seeing you on important business.
  正:There is a gentleman who insists on seeing you on important business.
  insist(坚持)后既不能接不定式也不能接动名词,遇此情况应用 insist on [upon] doing sth。记住,insist通常是个不及物动词,若语义上需接宾语,要借助介词 on,upon。如:Since you insist on it,I will consider the matter again. 既然你坚持,这件事我将重新考虑。有时它也用作及物动词,但其宾语通常只能是 that从句,而不能是名词、代词或动名词等。
  1. 太阳从东方升起,西方落下。
  误:The sun rises from the east and sets from the west.
  正:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  汉语说太阳“从”东方升起,实际上是太阳升起“在”东方,故用介词 in。
  2. 他在日本期间,参观过许多地方。
  误:During he was in Japan,he visited many places.
  正:During his stay in Japan,he visited many places.
  正:While he was in Japan,he visited many places.
  3. 这个研究中心将由他指挥。
  误:The research center will be in his direction.
  正:The research center will be under his direction.
  表示朝某个方向,direction(方向)前通常用介词 in,但若表示在某人的指导(指挥)下,direction(指导,指挥)前要用介词 under。
  4. 我们并肩工作了五年。
  误:We worked shoulder by shoulder for five years.
  正:We worked shoulder to shoulder for five years.
  shoulder to shoulder是习语,意为“并肩地”(注意要用介词to),可用于引申义也可用于本义,如:The soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder. 士兵们肩并肩地站着。比较:side by side并肩地,arm in arm臂挽着臂地。
  5. 他住在伦敦曼彻斯特路35号。
  误:He lives on [in] 35 Manchester Road,London.
  正:He lives at 35 Manchester Road,London.
  在通常情况下,表示在某某路或在某某街,可用介词in(英)或 on(美),不能用介词 at。如可说 in [on] Zhongshan Road,不能说 at Zhongshan Road。但是若在街道名或路名中出现了具体的门牌号码,则要用介词 at,不用 in或 on。
  6. 我们不知道那是偶然做的还是故意做的。
  误:We don’t know if it was done by accident or on design.
  正:We don’t know if it was done by accident or by design.
  by design(故意地)是习语,要用介词by,不要受 on purpose (故意地)的影响,而误用on design。比较:by chance(无意地),by accident(无意地)等都用 by。
  7. 保持身体健康的秘诀是饮食和睡眠要有规律。
  误:The key of good health is to eat and sleep regularly.
  正:The key to good health is to eat and sleep regularly.
  key用于比喻义,表示“答案”“秘诀”“关键”“图解”“图表”等义时,其后通常要用介词to(而不用of)来表示“……的”的意思。又如:key to one’s success(某人成功的秘诀),key to the exercises(练习答案)等。注:key若用于本义,表示“钥匙”时,则其后可用介词to或of,如the key to [of] the door (开门的钥匙)。
  (编辑 陈根花)