水调歌头中以自然现象表达人生哲理 用英语表达自然现象(5)

  气流air current; 暖流warm current;
   热浪hot/heat wave; 寒潮,寒流cold wave,cold-air outbreak;
   热天hot day; 冷天cold day
  今天天气热。It is a hot day today.或It is hot today.
  又一个热天。Another hot day/ dog day/ scorcher!
  今天有热浪!We have heat wave today!
  有热浪。A hot wave is coming.
  天气非常热。It is very/ extremely/ awfully/drectdfully/fearfully/
   frightfully/horribly/terribly hot.
  天气湿热。It is hot and humid.或It is sticky.
  天气闷热。It is stuffy/sultry.
  天气灼热。It is scorchingly hot.或It is a scorcher.
  天气热得令人不舒服。It is sweltering.或It is swelteringly/un-
   comfortably hot.
  天气热得无法忍受。 It is intolerably/unbearably hot.
  天气热得令人窒息。 It is stiflingly/suffocatingly hot.
  天气热得令人压抑。It is oppressively hot.
  天气热得不合时令。It is unseasonably hot.
  不热不冷。It"s neither hot nor cold.
  今天天气冷。It is a cold day today. 或It is cold/chilly today.
   或The weather"s icy today, isn"t it?
  天气非常冷。It is very/extremely/awfully/ dreadfully/fearfully/
   frightfully/horribly/terribly cold.
  今天有寒流!We have cold wave today!
  有寒流。A cold wave is coming.
  不是非常冷。The cold is not severe.
  天气冰冷。It is freezing/freezing cold/freezingly cold/icily cold.
  天气刺骨冷。It is bitingly/piercingly cold.
  天气冷得无法忍受。It is intolerably/unbearably cold.
  天气冷得令人不快。It is unpleasantly cold.
  今天早晨空气有股寒意。There is a chill in the air this morning.
  天变冷。It is getting/growing cold.或It is growing chilly.
  雪后寒。It gets cold after a heavy snowfall.
  天寒地冻。The weather is cold and the ground is frozen.
  我感觉冷。I am/feel cold.
  我冻死了。I"m freezing.
  我冻僵了。I"m simply frozen.
  我手冷。I"ve got cold hands.
  打寒颤 shiver/tremble with cold
  冻僵become numb/be benumbed with cold
  气压barometric pressure;
  高气压high pressure;
  低气压low pressure.