2018吉尼斯世界纪录 吉尼斯世界纪录 最年轻的纪录创造者

  Youngest Millionairess (女百万富翁) The youngest millionairesswasShirley Temple (born USA, April 23, 1928), who had accumulated(积累,积攒)wealth exceeding(超过)$1 million (equivalent(等值的) to $8,932,472 (today) before she was 10. Shirley Temple leapt(跳跃) to fame with the film Little Miss Marker.
   Youngest Physician (医生) Balamurali Ambati, born July 29, 1977, New York State, USA, became the world" s youngest doctor when he graduated from the School of Medicine in New York City on May 19, 1995 at the age of 17.
  Youngest PopulationIn the United Arab Emirates, only 0.2 per cent of the population was aged 75 and over in 1995. The population of the UAE has quadrupled(成为4倍) since 1965, partly due to the influx(流入,涌进)of economic migrants and workers to the area.
  Youngest DJ1 DJ Llewellyn Owen is from London, UK. When he was eight years and 70 days old he was paid $180 per hour--the standard rate for headlining(当主角).
  Youngest GraduateMichael Kearney started studying for an Associate (准学士学位)of Science degree at Santa Rosa Junior College2, California, USA in September 1990 at the age of 6 years 7 months.He became the world"s youngest graduate in June 1994, at the age of 10 years 4 months, when he obtained his BA in anthropology (人类学) from the University of South Alabama.
  1.DJ=disk jockey[口](广播或电视台的)流行音乐唱片节目播音员。又称唱片骑师”,也指在迪厅或俱乐部播放唱片的专业工作人员。DJ的工作是把节奏、旋律不同的音乐或歌曲连接起来。
  2.junior college [美]两年制专科学校,大专
  人口最年轻的国家1995年的阿拉伯联合酋长国只有 0.2%的人口达到或超过75岁。自从1965年以来,阿拉伯联合酋长国的人口数量增至原来的4倍,其中一个原因就是经济移民和外来务工人员的涌入。
  最年轻的大学毕业生 1990年9月,6岁又7个月的迈克尔・卡尼在美国加利福尼亚州的圣罗莎专科学校获得了理学准学士学位。1994年6月,他在10岁又4个月的时候,获得了南阿拉巴马州大学人类学的文科学士学位,从而成为世界上最年轻的大学毕业生。