克里姆林宫 普京的克里姆林宫

  翻译:菜菜      Russia is the world’s largest country and the Kremlin is the political heart of Russia. For the last six years, one man has been in charge of this country, Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin machine has tried to sell him to the West as a 1)liberal democrat while, at the same time, selling him to the Russians as the hard man they think their country needs.
  But in less than two years Putin will have to stand down. So what’s life like inside the Kremlin as one presidency nears its end and an unknown future 2)looms”
  “Master of Spin”
  Dimitri Pescov is officially First 3)Deputy to the Presidential Press Secretary. Unofficially, he’s known as the Kremlin’s, “Master of Spin注1.”Pescov: When I was a kid and I was going to school, I mean all this Kremlin and, actually, government leadership of the country, it was something so far away that, for example, you know that Australia exists; I e never been there but I believe that it exists. But it’s so far away that I’m never thinking about it, like something that…that lies very close. So the same attitude was towards the…towards the Kremlin. But, at the same time, well, the Red Square, that is here “it’s a very special place for all Russians. The [stone]注2 on this Red Square have seen so many leaders, have seen so many victories, everything was here. Everything was here. This Red Square witnessed the whole history of this country and, when I was a child, when I came here, it was a feeling of meeting something special, meeting something real, meeting the history itself [from] this country.
  Dimitri Pescov’s office is in Kremlin Building No. 14, the offices of the Presidential Administration. That and the Senate Building, the office of the President himself, make this the most important piece of real estate in Russia. But the area within the two and a half kilometer walls that surround the Kremlin, was originally just the tiny walled city of 4)medieval Moscow. Now there are museums, concert halls and 5)cathedrals that you can visit as a tourist. But there are not that many tourists here when the temperature is minus 30 degrees.
  Putin’s 6)Stature
  The Kremlin Grand Palace is where the most important ceremonies are held. The rooms here date back to the great 7)imperial 8)tsars of the 19th century. In fact, the Kremlin Grand Palace is about to be used for a presidential event. Putin will be coming here to meet formally nine new ambassadors to the Russian Federation, and this will be my first chance to see the leader of the largest country in the world in person.
  On seeing him, the first thing I notice is his 9)modest stature. But President Putin is the most important, and perhaps the most extraordinary character working within the Kremlin. And a Russian president probably has more power, personally, in his hands than any of the leaders in the West.
  Vladimir Putin was 10)initially appointed to the Presidency rather than elected. In 1999, his predecessor, President Yeltsin, was facing an election, in poor health, and surrounded by 11)accusations of 12)corruption. Three months before that election, Yeltsin simply appointed the relatively unknown and, therefore 13)untarnished, Putin to the Presidency. The Kremlin political machine 14)swung into action behind the new man and in March 2000, Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin was 15)duly elected. But according to the 16)Constitution of the Russian Federation, he can only serve two terms, so, in 2008, Putin must 17)relinquish the Presidency.
  The Press Conference
  Back at the hotel, I get a message that I could get 18)accreditation for the Press Conference, and it might even be possible for me to ask the President a question. So, in an attempt to come up with a question about the end of Putin’s Presidency that’s personal, not too political, and non-19)confrontational, I begin an exchange of e-mails with Dimitri Pescov’s office.
  It’s seven o’clock on the morning of the press conference and the temperature in Red Square is minus 20. The journalists who’ve managed to get accreditation start arriving at the Kremlin. It’ll take five hours to get them all through the security procedures. In the conference 20)chamber the final preparations are being made “Kremlin pencils are being handed out, translation 21)headsets are being unlocked from their 22)armrests, and the presidential microphones are being plugged in. Downstairs, the press are finally 23)trickling into the warmth of the building. The press conference starts at twelve o’clock and will be 24)televised for two hours to a potential audience of more than a hundred million. The doors to the conference room itself open two hours before the event begins and the early cameraman catches the best 25)tripod position. Moments before I took my place, I’d received from Pescov’s office a note which contained a version of one of my original questions.
  This appears to be a slightly different Putin. He seems almost excited.
  Denton: Over the last ten days, we’ve been filming you at many different events and meetings, both of the day, the evening and of the weekends, and I wondered how you personally feel, are you personally satisfied with it, or would you like to have achieved more”
  Putin: No one can ever be content with what he has achieved if he is in good health and is honest with himself. One always wants more. I remember 1999, and the situation we were in, politically, economically and socially. There’s a big difference now, and it’s a positive difference. Of course there are still problems. I hope that we’ll be able, as we have before, to be able to solve them effectively.