A Bouquet of Flowers for You
Feng Jicai
Flowers should be presented to winners who have returned home with flying colors aftercompetitions. Why should they be given to this disgraced loser?
Since she fell on the mattress from the horizontal bar four days before while doing asomersault, she had kept her beautiful and once proud head bent. Now she was back at theCapital Airport from abroad. Upon entering the lobby, she wished she could hide her head underher collar. She was ashamed to face the people who had come to welcome her right at theairport, to be interviewed by the reporters, or to meet her sister and brother-in-law. She waseven afraid to see the warm-hearted stewardess—one of her admirers. Each time she wentabroad from the airport, this stewardess would rush up to help her with her luggage. What ashame that she had absolutely failed!
Before she set off for the International Gymnastics Championships, she was fully confident ofwinning the World Titles for horizontal bar and uneven bars, and gym experts both at homeand abroad had so expected. But her poor performance had shamefully shattered all of theirexpectations.
Two years before, she had gone abroad to take part in an international competition for thefirst time. Among so many girls who had already won fame abroad, she attracted little attention.Yet because her mind was kept free of her anxiety about failure, she unexpectedly won twoWorld Titles. When she returned home that year, she was given an enthusiastic welcome in thesame lobby. Many hands stretched out to her, many camera lenses focused on her. A reporterin glasses kept pestering her with the question: “What do you like best?” She was wonderinghow to respond when she caught sight of a bouquet of flowers. Then she said, “Flowers!”Following her remarks, bunches of flowers were at once presented out to her, too many for herto hold. During the past two years, she had participated in many international competitions andbrought back one shining medal after another. What she got in return was all smiles, flowersand camera flashes. Was it because of this that she became preoccupied with winning? Themore she won, the more obsessed she was with the fear of losing. So her mind was in factmore burdened with success than with failure. The mind could control physical pains but couldnot free itself from mental strain easily. This time when she was a little off balance on thehorizontal bar, she became so worried that she lost self-control and fell off. This failure wasfollowed by several more in other events.
Afterwards in order to avoid people at the airport, she trailed along behind the team. When shefound that very few people greeted her and reporters seemed to shun her, she felt hurt anddeserted and became more humiliated and shamed of herself. However hard she tried, shecouldn’t turn the tide; she was a complete failure. Indeed, who would side with a failure?
All of a sudden, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. Who could it be? She raised her benthead slowly and saw a navy blue suit, long legs, brass buttons and then a clear fair face under abrimless cap. Before her stood the stewardess with her hands behind her back, speaking with asmile, “I watched your performance on the television. I knew you would come home today. SoI am here especially to welcome you.”
“I did very poorly.” She lowered her head again.
“No. You did your best.”
“But I failed.”
“Nobody can avoid failure. I believe failure is as important to you as success. Failure belongs tothe past, and victory is the future.” The stewardess’s voice came gentle but firm.
Hearing these words, the girl raised her head. The stewardess held out her hands from behindher back with a big bouquet of colorful flowers, and presented it to the girl. The strongfragrance seemed to turn into a magic, powerful current that went through her body. Shewas moved to tears.
Flowers are usually given to victorious heroes. Why to this disgraced loser?
金融借贷合同范本(faca a cac d)贷款方(xxxd)身份证件号码(d b.)地址(a)电话()借款方(b)法定代表人(xxxxxxxxxa) 职务()地址(a)电话()借款方是一家从事生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(砂石品业务)的公司: b xxxa afac ad a f a- ( b);借款方因生产经营需要,向贷款方借款。双方本着互惠互利的目的,友好协商,特制订本合同。f
dc ad a, b d
b f xxxd. f a bf, b a ag
第一条 借款金额 ac 1 a f a借款金额280,000美元 (大写:贰拾捌万美元)$280,000(caa :
dd eg ad
da)贷款方在签订本书面合同之前,已向借款方提供280,000美元贷款。借款方在此确认已经收到贷款方通过银行转账方式提供的280,000美元贷款。 xxxd ag
adac a $280,000
gg f
cac. b b cf a
a xxxcd a $280,000 adacd b xxxd g ba af.
第二条 借款用途ac 2 c f 本合同所约定的贷款仅用于借款方生产销售砂石品业务,不得挪作它用。 a f
f b‘ b ad a
b aad f .
第三条 利率及还款期ac 3 ad xxxa
1. 如果借款方在合同约定的还期限内还清借款,贷款方则不收取借款利息。 xxxd ag a
b aab
a f f a b
dxxxfa f xxxa.
2. 借款方应按照以下还款期向贷款方偿还借款: b ag
a a
fg xxxa cxxxd:在本合同签订之日起十二个月内偿还借款 美元;xxxa d
bxxxf da 12
f da f
ag.在本合同签订之日起二十四个月内偿还借款 美元;xxxa d
bxxxf da 24
f da f
ag.在合同签订之日起三十六个月内偿还借款 美元。xxxa d
bxxxf da 36
f da f
3. 借款方应根据贷款方合理要求的时间、场所和方式还款。a xxxa a b ad a ad ac ad
a xxxaab d b xxxd.
第四条 管理费用ac 4 aag f
1.4%. b ag
xxxd a
1.4% f a c xxxcd b b, f a f b, dg f a.
2. 借款方同意按第
4.3 b ag
a aag f
bxxxf da 30 da fg d f faca a
fg a cxxxd:每年____月____日至____月三十____日期间的管理费用;aag f cacad f d 1 aa – 31 ac xxxac a.每年____月____日至____月____日期间的管理费用;aag f cacad f d 1 a – 30 xxxac a.每年____月____日至____月____日期间的管理费用;aag f cacad f d 1
– 30 xxxxxxb xxxac a.每年____月____日至____月三十____日期间的管理费用。aag f cacad f d 1 cb – 31 dxxxcxxxb xxxac a.
3.本合同签订之日起的首个季度管理费用自________年____月____日起正式开始计算。aag f d
c f faca a
c da f
ag fa
bxxxc d
da f .
4. 如果借款方在本合同签订之日起两年内提前还清借款280,000美元,借款方支付管理费用的义务自合同签订之日起两年后终止。 ca b a a $280,000
2 a f da f
ag bga
a aag f
cxxxa a d f 2 a d.
第五条 浮动抵押 ac 5 fag gag
1. 借款方以其现有的和将来拥有的生产设备、原材料、成品和半成品向贷款方提供抵押。 b ag
xxxd a , a aa, fd ad fd gd d
f b b.
2.《抵押物清单》对抵押物价值的约定,并不作为贷款方依本合同对抵押物进行处分的估价依据,也不构成贷款方行使抵押权的任何限制。 a f gagd ad
a b dd a c f a
a a
gag‘ g, xxxd xxxxxxc
3. 抵押物的相关有效证明和资料由当事人确认封存后,由借款方交与贷款方保管,但法律法规另有规定的除外。bc
a a ad xxxga, a fa ad cxxxfca
c f gagd a b add b b
xxxd af xxxad.
4. 浮动抵押担保的范围为本金、利息、管理费、违约金、赔偿金以及实现债权所发生的一切费用,包括但不限于诉讼费、公证费、仲裁费、律师费、财产保全费、差旅费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费等。 fag gag f xxxc ca, , aag f, ca, ad a c ag f xxxfc f xxxd‘ g a
cac, cdg b
a c f, c f aa, aba f, a f, f f cd, ag , c c f, a f ad ac f.
5. 借款方应自本合同签订之日起____日内向有关部门办理本合同的审批、备案和登记等事宜,所产生的费用由借款方承担。 b a a f ada aa, xxxcd-g ad xxxga
da f gg f
6. 借款方应当合理使用和妥善保管抵押物,如抵押物的价值比本合同签订时的评估价减少15%以上的,借款方应当在____日内通知贷款方。贷款方有权要求借款方继续提供相应担保或者提前还款。 b a ad gagd
a xxxaab a,
ca a f gagd a b xxxdcd b 15% f agd a a da f gg
cac, b a f xxxd. xxxd
b f aa xxx c
f xxxa xxxda.
7. 贷款方在借款方发生以下情形之一时,可以行使抵押权: xxxd
gag‘ g,
fg ca:
(1)借款方违反本合同所约定的义务; b
dxxxfa f
bga f;
(2)经营情况严重恶化、减少注册资本; b‘ b a dxxxxxxad
xxxdcd xxxgd caa.
(3)借款方分立、合并; b
a b d
(4)借款方涉及重大纠纷诉讼,涉案标的30万元人民币以上; b
a a ga
a d f c a
ab 300,000b.
(5)借款方破产、歇业、解散、被停业整顿、被吊销营业执照; b
g ba, c , d, a b ad
d b
a adad
c d;
(6)借款方住所或法定代表人发生变更; b ac
xxxga xxxxxxxxxa a b cagd;
(7)其他因借款方原因可能导致贷款方拥有抵押权无法实现的情形。 xxxd cd
xxxfc gag‘ g bxxxca f a d
第十四条所示方法通知,视为乙方已经收到。f a ca ab ad cc
cc, fag gag c
bg fd gag a da f c b xxxd. f b xxxf
g xxxc,
a xxxcd c b xxxd
accdg ac 1
第六条 陈述与保证ac 6 a ad aa借款方在此陈述并保证以下事项属实,否则承担欺诈的法律责任: b b ad aa a fg fac,
a b ab f fad.
1.借款方是本合同项下抵押财产完全的、有效的、合法的所有者;该抵押财产不存在权属方面的争议。 b a , ad ad xxxga f gagd
a d
2. 本合同项下抵押财产不存在瑕疵。 dxxxfc
gagd .
3. 本合同项下的抵押财产依法可以设定抵押,设立本合同的抵押不会受到任何限制。 gagd a xxxga aaab f gag
a a.
4. 本合同项下的抵押财产未被依法查封、扣押。 gagd a‘ b xxxad
d.借款方在此保证在合同存续期间,未经贷款方书面同意,不从事以下行为: xxxd‘
c, b b aa a dg f
1. 对公司的利润进行分红;a a d
c f
2. 在一个财务季度内购买价值合计25,000美元以上的生产设备; ac a aggxxxga f a $25,000
f a
a caxxxda a;
3. 对抵押财产再次设立抵押、质押或者出租、赠予抵押财产。xxxgag, xxxgag,
g gagd
a ;
第七条 经销ac 7 db借款方同意贷款方在本合同约定的条件下,在世界范围内销售借款方生产的喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品(“砂石产品”) b ag a xxxd a db “a-” ad “-” dc (“ dc”) a
d ad
f f f
ag.在本合同订立之日至________年____月____日期间,借款方向贷款方出售砂石产品的价格不高于当次交易时最近三个月借款方出售砂石产品的最低价格。 b ag a f da f
31 dxxxcxxxb
xxxd a a c
g a c f c
d dc
xxxda xxxcxxxdg 3
d.本条所赋予的经销权是非独家经销权。 g cfd b
ca a -xxxc.贷款方同意在________年____月____日前,不向借款方签订本合同时已有的顾客出售砂石产品。该客户名单以签订合同当天本合同双方书面确认的名单为准。 xxxd ag a
31 dxxxcxxxb
a g c f b a f
c f b cfd
g b a f a f
ag a bdg xxxffc.
第八条 监督检查ac 8 贷款方和保证人有权检查贷款使用情况。检查时,借款方对调阅有关文件、账册和记账凭证,查核物资库存,生产情况以及其它与借款人的`清偿能力有关的信息,必须给予方便。 xxxd ad a g
f a. b a d a d f fac
xxxd ad
cc a dc, accg b, accg c, , dc ad a fa xxxag
c f b.
第九条 违约责任ac 9 ab
1. 借款方不按合同规定的用途使用借款,贷款方有权提前收回全部贷款,对违约使用的部分,收取12%年的利息。
1. a f b aa a f ad , xxxd
g bac a xxxda ad
ca f
a f a aad a a f 12%a.
2.借款方如逾期不还借款,贷款方有权追回借款,并按0.05%每天加收罚息。a f b fa a a
, xxxd
g bac a xxxda ad
ca f dxxxad xxxa a a f 0.05% da.
第十条 法律适用ac 10 gg a本借款合同的效力、履行、变更、终止和解释均适用 有关法律法规。 ad,xxxfac, dfca, a ad a f
cac a gd b a.
第十一条 争议解决ac 11 d 对本合同的效力、履行、变更、终止或解释发生争议,由当事人双方协商解决。协商不成,双方同意向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。a d ag f ad,xxxfac, dfca,a
a f
cac, a b d b xxxga. f a ag cd
b xxxacd, b a ag
b d
c c a dc a.
第十二条 通知ac 12 c
1.贷款方指定本合同事宜的联系人为 . xxxd a a aca f xxxc.联系电话 ()传真 (fa)地址 (a)电子邮箱 (ea)
2. 借款方指定本合同事宜的联系人为 .
2. b a a aca f xxxc.联系电话 ()传真 (fa)地址 (a)电子邮箱 (ea)借贷双方因履行本合同而相互发出或者提供的所有通知、文件、资料,均以本条所列明的地址、传真送达,一方如果变更联系人或其联系方式,应当书面通知对方。a c, dc ad aa ag f xxxfac f
cac a b
cac ad b
ac. dg , f a cag
aca f xxxc f c
a‘ cac, a g c
ac.通过普通邮寄方式寄出的,在寄出的____日内视为送达;通过挂号专递方式寄出的,在签收之日视为送达。a c a b dd d da af da f g , f ad dd,
aca da f xxxc.
第十三条合同生效与解释 ac 13 ad ad a本合同一式五份,借贷双方各执一份,另外三份送有关部门审批、登记或备案,本合同自借贷双方代表签字之日起生效。 cac
f c; xxxd ad b xxxxxxc d , c a f ada aa, xxxga
cac c
fc f da
gd b xxxxxxxxxa f xxxac a.贷款方(xxxd)借款方(b)法定代表人(xxxxxxxxxa)签订日期:
The trains will only use domestic technology, state-run People’s Daily reported on Monday.
China started developing its own fully automatic subway system in 2010 and has mastered the core technologies, the report said.
Beijing subway lines 3, 12, 17, 19 and the new airport line are all under planning and will also operate with completely automated, driverless trains.
It is expected that the total length of fully-automated subway lines in Beijing will reach 300 km by 2020, the report said.
The development and use of domestic operation systems is part of the “Made in China 2025” initiative, which aims to comprehensively upgrade Chinese industry.
The Rosy Moon
Li Xiulu
When he won a prize in the Province"s calligraphy contest, Mr. Luo feltelated as if a gold ingothad fallen on him from the sky. The world instantlybecame ecstatically rosy in the eyes of the23-year-old winner. At the moment,he was smoking a cigarette while judging Miss B"sphotograph in a glassframe with a calligrapher"s eye. He found that she was by no means prettyand she was the one who almost became his wife! Look at her lips, he thought. How thick theyare! Ugly beyond words! People would ask, then, how come a young calligrapher should chooseto marry a cold drink peddler? It isn"t a good match! Well, fortunately, the prue camein time, orit would be too late if we had gotten married.
I must shake her off me! But some other people would certainly gossip about it, those who liketo poke their noses into everything! I won"t be scared. Times have changed. To hell with allthose solemn vows I"ve made to her! I am now a calligrapher engaged in art. What does acold drink peddler know about art? After all, I am like a coarse china plate that used to be puttogether with those commonplates for daily use until one day an archeologist discovered that itwas anantique. Well, then, when it"s placed with other precious antiques in the museum, all thecommon plates will have to bow low to it. Jealousy, naturally, will come with admiration. Forthat"s the way things are. Thus Mr. Luo took the picture of Miss B from the frame and threw itaway, feeling well justified. In its place he put in a color stage photo of Miss A, and went ondreaming. See? With her charm and grace this woman must be the one that makes a matchfor me now. To Mr. Luo, the woman used to be a fairy queen whom he could only look up toand admire at a distance. But now that he felt himself to be the prince of art.。.。A fairy queenand a prince, what a perfectmatch!
He took up a writing brush and began to write.
"I am now a calligrapher.。.。" It was a letter of fire to pretty Miss A.
The second letter was to Miss B the thick-lipped: "I am now a calligrapher.。.。" It was a letter ofice.
He then dropped both the fire and the ice into the mailbox.
In a shed by the river, Miss B wept bitterly. She crumpled the letter, threw it into the river, andthen went on with her work.
In a small house on the river bank, Miss A let out a contemptuous laughafter reading theletter, crumpled it and threw it into the river. She thentumed to her study. of a script.
The two crumpled letters floated slowly down the river and disappeared.
When evenulg came, Mr. Luo sat by the river smoking a cigarette, and gaz-ing at the water withthe eyes of an artist. There reflected a rosy moon in thewater. In the moon there was a goldenpalace, and out of the palace flew thecharming and elegant Chang Er, the moon goddess.。.。
supplementary agreement
by and between:
(1) l.l.c. ( ”授权方”)
地址:1000 flower street, glendale, galifornia 91201
l.l.c. ( ”licensor”) a delaware limited liability company, with its principal office located at glendale, california 91201; and
(2) limited company( 被授权方”)
guang zhou camsing limited company ( ” licensee”) with its principal office located at guangzhou, china.
(a) 20__年3月12日, 与 就 事宜达成一致意见,签署了《品牌授权协议》(以下称“原协议”),协议有效期间自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日止;
on march 12, 20__ , and entered into a merchandise license agreement (hereinafter referred to as “initial agreement”) for “kung fu panda 2”, with the period starts from january 1, 20__ to december 31, 20__;
(b) 原协议约定的授权使用费为27万美金,并应于20__年8月31日前全额付清。于签约时向支付了2.5万美金预付款,剩余款项24.5万美金至今未付;
according to initial agreement, usd $270,000 shall be fully paid by camsing to as licensing royalty on or before august 31, 20__. has paid usd $25,000 as advance as of the singing date of initial agreement, while the remaining usd $245,000 is still unpaid;
(c) 多次向催讨未付款项,结合自身对授权品牌的实际使用情况,请求从未付款项中减免部分授权使用费。
has contacted camsing many times to collect remaining payments, while, considering about its actual application of merchandise license, requests for a deduction from the unpaid amounts.
therefore, both parties, through amicable negotiation, agree upon the payment of remaining unpaid usd $245,000 as following:
1. 同意免除自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日的授权使用费81,666美金;减免之后,camsing应付的款项为163,334美金(计算方式:245,000 -81,666=163,334)。同意,按本协议约定支付减免后的授权使用费163,334美金后,不再向主张任何费用,包括但不限于授权使用费、违约金等。
agrees to exempt license royalty usd $81,666 of the period from january 1, 20__ to december 31, 20__, that is shall pay usd $163,334 to after the exemption. in the event that has fully paid the remaining license royalty usd $163,334 after exemption according to provisions hereunder, agrees that it will not claim any ge against , including but not limited to license royalty, penalty, etc.
2. 支付方案:应自20__年7月1日起至11月30日止的5个月内分五期还清全部款项163,334美金,具体付款方案如下:
20__年7月17日前 20__年8月15日前 20__年9月15日前 20__年10月15日前 20__年11月15日前
usd $30,000 usd $30,000 usd $30,000 usd $30,000 usd $43,334
合计 usd $163,334
payment scheme: shall pay off the remaining usd $163,334 by five payments within the period from july 1, 20__ to november 30, 20__, the payment scheme is as following (all payments should be made on or before corresponding stipulated dates):
july 17, 20__ august 15, 20__ september 15, 20__ october 15, 20__ november 15, 20__
usd $30,000 usd $30,000 usd $30,000 usd $30,000 usd $43,334
total amount usd $163,334
3. 前述款项的支付均应汇入指定的如下账户:
收 款 人:
账 号:
aba 号:
联 系 人:
the stated payments shall be paid to the following ac specified by :
bank information: bank of america
ac no.:
aba no.:
swift code:
contract currency: united states dollars.
4. 应严格按照分期付款计划执行,如有一期逾期支付则视为违约,届时剩余应付款项的支付期限立即到期,并且原先减免的20__年度81,666美金的授权使用费不再减免,将一同并入应付款项由立即一次性全额支付,同时,还应按未付款项总金额每日万分之五的标准向支付逾期付款违约金。
shall strictly abide by the payment scheme, otherwise, even one payment delay shall be deemed as breach of contract, upon the payment term of remaining amounts shall expire immediately, besides, the exemption of usd $81,666 for year 20__ shall be cancelled and calculated into the remaining unpaid amounts, which shall be fully paid in a lump sum by camsing promptly. meanwhile, shall pay a penalty at a rate of 0.5‰ per day of due total amount for late payment.
5. 法律适用及争议解决:本协议适用中国法律。凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交至深圳国际仲裁院(scia)按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁,届时败诉方应承担对方为解决本争议而产生的一切合理费用,包括但不限于仲裁费、律师费、差旅费、评估费、调查费、鉴定费等相关费用。
applicable law and dispute resolution: this agreement shall be governed by the laws of china. any dispute arising from or in connection with this agreement shall be submitted to shenzhen court of international arbitration (scia) for arbitration according to scia’s arbitration rules, and the losing party shall bear all reasonable ges of the other party concerning dispute resolution, including but not limited to arbitration fees, lawyer’s fees, business trips costs, evaluatioges, investigation fees, appraisal costs, etc.);
6. 本协议生效后,即成为原协议不可分割的组成部分,与原协议具有同等法律效力。除本协议对于剩余应付款项的约定外,原协议的其余部分应完全继续有效。如本协议与原协议发生冲突时,以本协议为准。
this agreement, after its entry into force, becomes an integral part of the initial agreement and has the same legal effect. except for the provisions about the remaining unpaid payment stipulated herein, other provisions of the original agreement shall remain in full effect. in case of any discrepancy, this agreement shall prevail.
7. 本协议为中英文版本,如有不符,以中文版本为准。
this agreement is written in chinese and english. in case of any discrepancy, the chinese version shall prevail.
8. 本协议一式贰份,经双方盖章及代表人签字后生效,双方各执壹份,具有同等法律效力。
this agreement is prepared in duplicate and shall enter into force upon chops and signatures of the authorized representatives; each party holds one copy, with the same legal effect.
(signing page with no text below)
signed by )
duly authorised for and on behalf of name )
date: )
) signature
signed by )
duly authorised for and on behalf of name )
company )
) signature
Beijing (AFP) - China officially launched a new multi-billion dollar jet engine conglomerate withalmost 100,000 employees at the weekend, as Beijing seeks to become an aerospace powerand compete with the likes of Rolls Royce and General Electric.
北京(法新社) 中国官方在周末发起具有近十万员工的一个新数十亿美元的航天发动机集团,北京力图成为一支航天力量并且与像劳斯莱斯和通用电气竞争。
The Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) has registered capital of 50 billion yuan ($7.5billion), and previous reports said it would incorporate subsidiaries of a series of state-ownedfirms, including the Aviation Industrial Corp. of China (AVIC)。
President Xi Jinping said founding the company was a "strategic move" to make China anaviation power and modernise the military, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
China does not make large commercial jet engines of its own and the country"s narrow-bodyairliner, the C919, is powered by engines from CFM International, a venture between GE of theUnited States and France"s Safran.
The best aircraft in China"s air force use engines built in Russia, Xinhua said.
Beijing is looking to change that with the creation of a new national champion in the field as itseeks the prestige of having its own aviation sector.
Leaders have targeted the manufacture of high-technology products such as jet engines as ameans to transform the world"s second largest economy and make its firms more competitivewith advanced foreign rivals in aerospace, biotechnology, alternative energy and othersectors.
Premier Li Keqiang said in written comments that making "breakthroughs" in advanced aircraftengines would have great value in strengthening the military and manufacturing ability of thecountry.
Li Keqiang在书面意见中表示,在先进航空发动机中制造“突破”将在强化该国的军事和制造业的能力具有重要的价值。
Xinhua cited him urging indigenous innovation to make AECC a world leader in aero-engines.
The new firm will employ 96,000 employees and be headquartered in the capital, reports said,with China"s State Council, or cabinet, and the Beijing city government also investing in it.
But industry executives say it could take years for the firm to develop the engines to power bigcommercial jets.
Earlier this summer China"s homegrown regional jet the ARJ21, made by AECC investor theCommercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC), made its first commercial flight after years ofdelays, though its quality and reliability still have to be established to win over customer andpassenger confidence.