






 标 知识与技能 了解望远镜、显微镜的结构及原理

 认识凸透镜成像的应用对人类生活和社会发展的重要性,了解科技的持续发展。 过程与方法 培养学生搜集信息、处理信息及交流合作的能力,启发学生的自学意识。

 运用多媒体网络工具辅助学习的能力 情感态度与价值观 在显微镜、望远镜的搜集资料过程,激发学生学习物理的兴趣,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,使学生热爱科学,主动探究。

 在调查和展示过程,培养学生相互协作的精神、获得新知识的能力,增强表现和竞争意识。 教学重点 显微镜、望远镜的结构,原理。 教学难点 引导学生确立课题,有针对性地搜集资料,课上启发展示成果。 学情分析 学生已掌握凸透镜的成像规律,为本节的学习打下了基础。学生在日常生活中接触过望远镜,在初二生物课堂上也用过显微镜,加强了进一步探究的好奇心。 方法运用 课前学生小组合作搜集资料,在探究中自我学习,运用多媒体网络辅助 教具和媒体 教具:两组两个凸透镜、一个光具座、香、火柴、光屏、两台显微镜、多架望远镜

 媒体:实物投影,多媒体。 教学设计说明




 教学环节 教学内容 教学策略 教师活动 学生活动 课题准备 布置学生课余查阅显微镜和望远镜的资料。 搜集资料。 教师应对学生给予适当的课题指导、鼓励学生钻研。 通过查阅资料,上网等方式搜集信息,分工合作准备展示资料。

  课题研究展示 引导学生分小组展示课题,相互提问,加深理解. 生与生,师与生互动,讨论。 及时的引导启发学生,鼓励学生,适时解疑,总结。 利用多媒体或实验展示,讲解交流。 评估过程 针对课题准备、展示过程的收获、不足,加以评估。 集体讨论 引导学生大胆发言发表自己的见解,体会。 交流总结所想所感。 布置作业 动手动脑学物理P65-1、2 板书设计
























 师:乙组对显微镜的发展做了精彩的介绍, 大开眼界,鼓励鼓励.


























 生10:我通过网上资料了解到。我们之所以不能看清远方的物体,是因为它对我们的眼睛所成 “视角”的大小造成的。视角除了与物体的大小有关,还与物体同目镜的距离有关。就像远看一座山很小,近看却很大。望远镜的物镜所成的像虽然比原来的物体小,但它离我们的眼睛很近,再加上目镜的放大作用,视角就可以变得很大。












 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws

 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws

 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws






