

  ——《泰坦尼克号》观后感 看过《泰坦尼克号》的人,永远也忘不了这幅画面泰坦尼克号在海底昂着头,残破和污迹也掩盖不了她的高贵,这就是她的归宿。历史就这样演变成了传奇,却给我们留下了深深的反思与难以忘怀的感动。

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  曾经辉煌的、灿烂的、一切美好的事物都经不起时间的腐蚀,再美丽的东西都会在历史的长河上布满尘埃,岁月留给我们的只有不灭的记忆与曾经让我们心动的纪念。再看《泰坦尼克号》,杰克与露丝的真情依然那么感人,那份让人心跳的爱情,在生离死别的时刻,依然那么的灿烂、那么的不屈、那么的动人,生命在灾难面前如此的脆弱,但爱让我们变得坚强,让我们变得执着,让我们充满力量去完成爱的承诺,一如露丝答应杰克好好活下去。听着那首动人的《MY heart will go on》,除了感动,还是感动。

  Once pilliant, pilliant, all good things can not withstand the corrosion of time, no matter how beautiful it will be in the long river of history covered with dust, the years we are only left immortal memories and made our heartbeat memory. Look at the

  truth is still so touching, that let a person heart of love, in the dying moments, still so pilliant, so unyielding, then moving in front of the disaster, life so fragile, but love makes us strong, let us become persistent, let us full of strength to fulfill the promise of love, as Ruth promised Jack live. Listen to the song


  Love, I don"t know, talk about, I also unreasonable, but


  Jack, a wandering artist, and other gambling to win the Titanic for the United States of America ticket, as part of the bottom of society, although the seat three passengers, but his life is full of yearning, full of hope for the future, until the ship encountered a wealthy lady Ruth, he and Ruth is to fall in love at first sight, fall in love with Ruth, he did not because of their origins and inferiority, compromise, he shows tenacity

  and unyielding love.


  Ruth, as a rich lady, because the bonds of family, on the outside of the free life, make her want to run all the nobles that money right to fame and fortune for the heavy yoke, until the emergence of Jack, to Jack, she can put the glory, splendour, wealth and rank, don"t mind him being a seat three passengers who, no matter snobbish mother rude selfish by rich people asked, just follow your heart, follow that to know she knew she loved him, for she to the powerful challenge men go, never be apart, her love for Jack the pave and great.


  Carle, Ruth"s fiance, noble merchants, as social tall, he is famous, beneficial, for Ruth, he does love her very much, but his love is mean,

  love is selfish, he doesn"t know Ruth really wants to love. In his eyes, money is everything. His selfishness caused him to finally get Ruth when Jack became hatred, wanted to kill Jack. All this, condemned him in the way of love, tragedy, failure.


  Jack"s love, let Ruth escape the aristocratic chains, are redeemed her heart, let her in a cage, finally can soar to great heights, as they stood in the prow of the Titanic, the stand. Ruth"s love, let Jack dumped on the social stratum, compromise in reality, let him make his dedication, self-confidence, let him their own happiness in order to dare and noble struggle, though his strength is low, and the last was framed, was fastened to a warehouse, but he is still not give up your obsession. However so imprint is engraved on my heart. The love of two people are not together, this is the tragedy of love, love is great, because in the final after the

  sinking ship, Jack the chance of survival for Ruth, and always encouraged her pave for him to live on, never give up. The film here, love sublimation, which is eternal, immortal love.




  The film once ironically said